Coq a la Biere Friday March 28, 2025 EDT 
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Food Odyssey Recipes

Coq a la BiereOctober 30, 2006 Monday

Coq a la Biere

First of all, I don't think there's such a recipe called Coq a la Biere. I ripped it off from the French classic recipe, Coq Au Vin, which traditionally uses red wine from Burgundy. Well, in Sagada, red wine is expensive and one from Burgundy is nowhere to be found. Solution? Beer! The Germans extensively use beer in their stews. Besides, Chef Aklay gave me the green light on using beer. So there you have it...Coq a la Biere (chiken in beer).

Occassion? Mimsy's in town and I wanted to score some major pogi points.

    Ingredients: serves 3
  • 1 cup etag (Sagada smoke ham) cubed (or pancetta) - P150/K
  • 1 lb chicken cut up into serving sizes - P115/K
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 large onion, chopped - P80/K
  • 1/2 bulb of garlic - P80/K
  • 1 pound carrots, cut up into finger size - P30/K
  • 1 pound small potatoes - P20/K
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • beer
  1. Put the etag on the frying pan on medium/low heat to extract its fat. Remove the etag (but not the oil) when it browns.
  2. Rub salt and pepper on the chicken.
  3. Fry the chicken on medium heat using the etag fat, until the chicken has a golden honey color (not cooked fried). Remove the chicken and put it together with the etag. The residual caramelized fat is what will give the dish it's flavor.
  4. Sauté the onion and garlic on the etag/chicken fat.
  5. Toss in the carrots and potatoes and put into high heat. Turn it a few times until the pan stickings are blended well into the ingredients.
  6. Add the chicken/etag and mix together with the veggies. Turn heat to medium and sprinkle the flour. Mix until the flour is blended in.
  7. Pour the beer until it covers the ingredients. Don't overdo this or the dish will taste bitter. Cover the pan.
  8. Turn to high heat until it boils. Then turn heat to its lowest setting for 25 minutes.
  9. Turn heat off and leave the dish covered for another 5 minutes....for finishing. You're done.
I usually serve homemade carrot bread with this dish. If I'm feeling wild, I'd mooch some basil leaves off the neighbors and make David Joudrey's kick-ass bruschetta as well.

--- TheLoneRider

  • Etag is very salty. I don't wash it and I no longer put any additional salt. The amount of etag I use depends on how salty I want the dish...and not the other way around...I know, it's sick.
  • I buy the smallest potatoes (golf ball size) because it's bite size (they're also the cheapest). I don't peel...just scrub with a brush.
  • I don't peel the carrots as well...just good scrubbing.
  • You can add celery to the veggies if you wish.
  • You can also add mushroom (sautéed in butter) in the last 5 minutes.
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Reader Comments:

(Oct, 2006) thanx for the dinner!!! sarap bro!!! pag umalis si aklay pwede ka na pumalit sa kanya sa log cabin! hehehe

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