Sagada Friday March 28, 2025 EDT 
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food odyssey

Lunch at Janet'sJune 18, 2006 Sunday

Lunch at Janet's

Before Aklay and I went for our hike to the mossy forest, he said we'll have lunch at Janet's. Cool! I've wanted to see Janet's place anyway. Brian and Ces, artist husband and wife, stayed their before and put in some creative flavor to the house.

Just in Time for Lunch
We went to Janet's directly from our hike. The gang was there - Steve, David, Dagon and Clifford. David just finished doing the bar-b-que and lunch was just getting started. We were just in time for lunch....yummy!

Janet's lunch

Janet's food proved once more that the best place to eat in Sagada are in homes. Hmmm...without a regular place and just a Swiss Army knife for all my kitchen needs, I wonder how soon I can start cooking for these guys too.

--- TheLoneRider

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