Food Thursday March 6, 2025 EST 
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food odyssey

Despedida for the StapletonsJuly 15-16, 2006 Wednesday

Despedida Dinner for the Stapletons

Good things come to an end. The Stapletons, after their 3-week stay in Sagada, are heading back home to Tennessee, USA. I was invited to 2 despedida dinners (going-away dinners), one at Log Cabin on the 15th, and the other one at Steve Roger's house the following day.

Log Cabin
As usual, Chef Aklay saw to it that dinner is one you can't have anywhere else. He's da man. From salad to main course, to dessert, I couldn't help coming back for another serving. Ah, so much good food, so little space in my tummy...sigh!

Log Cabin dinner for Stapletons

Steve Roger's Dinner
I gotta hand it over to Steve for being Mr. Seafood. In the mountains, seafood is scarce and expensive. Most of the seafood bought is dried and salted. So coming to dinner and seeing grilled talakitok, deep-fried crab-meat balls, sauteed squid chinese style, stir-fried shrimp in garlic sauce and soup prepared Louisianna style, the next thing you say is, "pinch me".

Steve Roger Dinner for Stapletons

Ending Thoughts
When Villa Jefremovas left for Colombia, she threw a gastronomically memorable despedida dinner. Now, the Stapletons. Can't we just have good eating without the good people leaving Sagada? Ha-ha, yeah, right.

It saddens me to see them leave - no more Sivananda yoga from Helen and no more pottery 101 talk from Archie. No more " gotta see this magnificent place in the Pacific coast before it's gone" tales from Archie. But the good thing is, they'll be back like they always have. Sagada is a special place that continues to lure special people.

--- TheLoneRider

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