July 7, 2006
Locked Out
Duh! No, this is not exactly a mountaineering adventure, but it had most of its elements. To cut the story short, I locked myself out of my room with all the spare keys inside - duh! Inserting a credit card to the lock lip was not an option. The space between the door and the frame was too tight. Tinkering with the lock mechanism proved useless. The lock was about P500, so destroying it was not an option. Kicking the door would destroy the door frame - my landlady would frown upon that. What to do?
Thru the Washroom Window My room window could be reached from my washroom window. However, my room window was locked. I got an idea. From my washroom window, I extended my body out to reach my room window. From there, with a screw driver, I pryed-off the putty holding the glass pane. I then removed the glass and inserted my hiking stick through the openning to unlatch the lock - the window flew open. Voila! Now the only problem was getting out of the washroom window and entering my room. Both windows were on the second floor with a 15 ft. drop.
Bowline and Double Fisherman's Knot I got another idea. I unknotted my hammock rope, tied it around my waist using a bow-line. It was short. I got the other end of my hammock rope and using a double fisherman's knot, joined the two ropes together and tied the other end to the beam on the ceiling. If I slip, this rope would catch my fall. From there,
I swung my body from the washroom window to my room - I was in!
Relieved I'm glad I didn't have to destroy the lock or the door to get in. I was pretty amazed at the ideas that flooded my mind as I was trying to find a way to get inside my room. Well, cheap thrill on a slow Friday.
Off to Aklay's Since I got myself out of that fix early, I had ample time to race to Aklay's place to cook dinner (with his supervision, of course!)...but that's the next story.
--- TheLoneRider
- leave a set of spare keys with someone you trust who doesn't live with you
- you'll never know when knot-tieing and ropemanship can come handy - learn it!
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