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skin diving

Vistamar Beach Resort April 14, 2006 Friday

Vistamar Beach Resort - a Last Hurrah

I already declined this Holy Week invitation thinking I'd be heading up north, but the shit hit the fan and I found myself unable to make the trip up. I'm glad the invite was still on the table. It was somehow a fitting tribute to spend my last weekend diving before I head north for my indefinite it a last hurrah.

A Whole New World
This weekend can only be described in three words: eat, sleep and dive. It is hard to describe the new level of comfort I had in reaching new depths. I seem to be asking the reef to reveal more of it secrets. Maybe I knew it would be a long while until my next I was milking it for all its got. I took pleasure in vacuuming the drop-off floor as I descended further down, completely mesmerized by the colorful array of fishes and corals. It seemed safe down there, completely removed from the chaos and turmoil of the real world. There was a bit of sentimentality that permeated with every dive. I couldn't help justaposing the mountain scenery that awaited me up north and the vivid colors that captured me then...two different worlds offering its unique flavor of safe haven.

Ending Thoughts
With my bike, laptop, and everything I got in this world fitted inside my backpack, I bid Manila goodbye. It was a great 2 years. I'll miss the sea but I'm grateful I was given one last moment to commune with her before I enter a new unknown.

--- TheLoneRider

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