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The Rolling Stones Concert just pictures
The Rolling Stones Concert
July 30, 2003

450,000 people! This is even bigger than Woodstock! How do you organize the logistics for that many people? The level of organization was top-notch...maybe too top-notch it felt sanitized. From the outer fringes, the stage was a speck of dot...and you only see the top half. The lower half was covered by heads. I counted 7 jumbotrons and that's essentially how most people viewed the concert. I was in for a fullon experience but there was no collective whole. The audience were segmented into their own little section of little concerts inside one big concert. But given the enormity of the numbers in a flat field (it's no stadium where people from the bleachers can still see the action), it was the next best thing. But that's nitpicking. Altogether, the musical experience was awesome. Hearing the Guess Who with Randy Bachman doing "Taking Care of Business" and "American Woman" brought me back in time. Rush and AC/DC belted out a few memorable numbers. Lastly, the Stones were explosive. Jagger was a volatile dynamite. They did all the good songs: Brown Sugar, No Satisfaction, Jumping Jack Flash, Ruby Tuesday, etc. The magnificent fireworks capping the night was a nice treat. I came away from the event smiling after finally being to a Stones' concert. -- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

Orlana (August 13, 2003)
I was there too, and had a BLAST!!! That was one concert that I'm glad I didn't miss..almost did!!! One of our workcentres is located at the park, so I had gone there to repair computers in the morning, then after I went to the concert. I couldn't believe the amounts of people that were there. I too had taken pics, (stories to tell my grand that's entertaining!!) AC/DC kicked some ass!!!

Roslyn Arayata (August 3, 2003)
hi lonerider! long time! wow, that concert rocks! do you think Rolling Stones will ever perform in the Philippines? i hope soon, they are not getting any younger, though their music still rocks! :) hope all is well with you. take care for now :)

Sun You (July 30, 2003)
Lucky you!

TJ (July 30, 2003)
Cool !!!

Ginny (July 30, 2003)
I am green with envy. There will never be anything else like them. Ever.

Gold Soon (July 30, 2003)
I am so envious! I wish we were there. I hope you had a good time...and don't do anything I wouldn't do!

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