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Sarah's Birthday Party just pictures
Sarah's Birthday Party
Saturday, October 25, 2003

Sarah's parties bring promise of good vibe and chill crowd. As Dev puts it, "...she has great friends". Her birthday party kept that faith - definitely not to be missed. -- TheLoneRider

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Reader Comments:

Chris (November 10, 2003)
I checked out your site for Sarah's b-day pictures... Looks great! Indeed we had a great time and "Sarah has great friends".

Jordan Baker (November 3, 2003)
Great pictures!!! looks like we missed a lot at Sarah's party both before we got there and after we left. You'd like to hear Mor sing again? She'll be singing with me on Sunday at Holy Joe's for the next Hazelwood acoustic project show.

Tam (November 4, 2003)
Hi Guys! Wow, the pictures are amazing, I really felt like I was there. In a sense I was, I was on the phone with Jon when everyone was singing you happy birthday so I was singing it to you as well. I love you!

Dev Brito (November 2, 2003)
Hey brother! I just checked out the pics from that night. Great stuff as always. My Halloween was quite spooky and enjoyable. I taught myself how to sew the night that I could make my own costume (the knight from outer space). Cheers!

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