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A Day in the Life of a Mountainbiker

A Day in the Life of a Mountain Biker

Dagmar with Dave
(June 28, 2003 Saturday) I was hurting for saddle time. It's been nearly 2 weeks since I lost myself in the captivating allure of the trails...a means of communing with the spirit and unleashing the madness within me. I penciled in Alpha Racing's Farm Festival in Bethany only to find out it wasn't a cross-country race but time trials. I wish I can do trials but going there and attempting to do something I have no idea of is asking for it.

Fortunately, my riding buddy, Dave, invited me to ride with him to Dagmar. He even offered to pick me up. Being a long weekend, it was next to impossible to get a rental car this late in the game.

Weekend is all about a leisurely breakfast...a breakaway from the rushed pace of a workweek. When Dave arrived, we had breakfast by the balcony...Spanish omelet, homemade sun-dried tomato bread and juice.

I didn't realize how far he had to go out of his way to pick me up until he pointed out where he lived - 9th Line....and I live on Yonge Street! Whoa....what a class act!

A nice surprise was stopping by a natural spring. People were lining up with their water containers. I hear the lines are long on long weekends. The water was cold, refreshing, and like riding on a steel frame, it felt lively.

Finally Dagmar. This is only my 2nd time here and the first time was about 4 years ago when I was very new to SPUD pedals (thus I only tried the Green trails in case I wipe out and not be able to unclip).

Dagmar has one of the sweetest singletracks. I would put it in the same level as Mansfield but with more diversity. With David, losing ourselves while hammering down, picking a line through rocks, jumping logs, climbing an almost verical hill (Holy Climb, Batman section) and undulating into the roller coaster molehills reminds me of snorkeling in the coral reefs of the Philippines where you get sucked into a different universe all its own.

Moreover, as solitary rider, it's not everyday I get to ride with anyone. Doing an intense ride (but not a race) that allowed breaks for air, water and a few laughs was a different scene. It's good to stop and help out fix a broken chain (even if it happened 3x!!!) and chat. In a race I would just throw out my tool kit to a friend in a mechanical mess. The adrenaline won't allow me to stop until I cross the finish line.

A friendly ride also allows pause to meet new people on the trails. We found ourselves in conversation with fellow riders Renata and Bev (who didn't want their pictures taken for this story). It's a small world. I'm sure to bump into them again.

   Being with her is to experience the shifting sands of the Kalahari. While this volatility can be frustrating at times, it's that same volatility that can add fireworks to an otherwise mundane moment.   

Time with Sarah
There wasn't enough time to wind down after the ride. My friend Sarah called to confirm our plans to meet downtown for roller blading, food and connection. I barely had time to shower and off I went. I haven't seen her since OM and I was still decompressing. Being together with her again was a fix I needed.

The plan to meet at Asahi for sushi didn't was closed. Instead we had Thai food at the Hungary Thai in Kensington Market. Conversation with Sarah makes me lose track of time. She carries a glow and disarming bubbliness that make people open their doors to her....mine included.

After stopping by her friend's place, we realized it was too late to blade given that we would still have to go to the Beaches to make it happen. She chose to run instead and head to Kitchener thereafter for some partying. I chose to put my blades on and hopefully be able to blade to the Beaches and catch whatever remains of the monthly satsangs (yoga, meditation, breathing and drum circle) with Lisa Renee Knight. As tempting as it was to party with her, I was still decompressing and the last thing I needed was to do a full-on party again.

Sarah is S for spontaneous. Being with her is to experience the shifting sands of the Kalahari. Set plans become tentative and subject to the vibe of the moment. While this volatility can be frustrating at times, it's that same volatility that can add fireworks to an otherwise mundane moment. It's all-good when expectations are managed.

Lured into Harbourfront
I strapped my blades and headed south towards the Lakeshore, making frequent stops to appreciate the view. While passing by Harbourfront, I was lured into the ongoing festivities - live acts, musicians, magicians, etc.

One thing I love about Toronto is its vitality. Street performers pouring their souls into their art with no guarantee of financial return except what's put into the "hat", add animation and character into this city. They personify the richness of our city and I hope we can collectively support their growth by giving generously.

It was nearly dark when I left the Harbourfront. Needless to say, blading to catch the satsang at the Beaches was no longer an option. Hmmm......I could use coffee and a little dessert. My fav restaurant Marché is just around the corner. What the heck, life is short. So there I was, having a brownie, a scoop of Tiramisu ice cream and java....reflecting on what the day has been.

The adrenaline rush of a mountain bike ride with Dave, sharing a moment with Sarah over food and friendship, letting my roller blade take me to where it takes me and lingering with coffee thankful for what the day has been...not bad for a Saturday.

-- TheLoneRider


Reader Comments:

Mark Ciana (June 30, 2003)
Hey, the Farm Festival offered time trials (also a poker run and other activities), but this meant you were timed around a sweet x-country loop NOT a trials riding venue (which was there also).
Sounds like you had a good day though...

Is that right? I thought I had to be Ryan Leech to be there. Oh well.... -- TheLoneRider

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