a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Country > Philippines > Siquijor Island > Lazi
Date > 2023 > April
Activity > Astral Projection

Astral Projection

Series: Transformation Thru Sound

Hemi-Sync by Robert Monroe April 21, 2023

Hemi-Sync by Robert Monroe

YouTube | Hemi-Sync | Monroe Institute

I have long been fascinated by the work of Robert Monroe...from as far back as my high school days. I would drift into it time and time again, but somehow, I never managed to focus my attention and effort on it. I hope I'm able to this time.

What's the Appeal?
Well, Monroe's work, Hemi-Sync, focuses on using sound to activate an out-of-body experience (OBE). But it doesn't stop there. Apparently, the mind is also liberated from the limited perception of our 5 senses. We get to experience time not as a linear pathway but as a singularity. We lose the perception of separation from everything and everyone, and instead, feel the connectedness of things. Our consciousness is free to explore the hidden aspects of space, time and dimension. We discover reality as it really is.

Hemi-Sync by Robert Monroe

How does it Work?
It's quite simple...although it took years of experimentation by Robert Monroe before the process was filtered down to this simplified explanation.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain often do not work harmoniously. Usually, the left takes dominance - logic, sequencing, intellectualizing, structure, grid and brain processing. The right hemiphere provides the balance - intuition, patternless, feeling, heart processing, spaciness, and no time constraints. Hemi-Sync aligns these 2 hemispheres to be synchronized by introducing binaural beats on the Theta brainwave (4-8 Hz), listened to by headphones. The brain struggles to align the 2 frequencies from the left and right ear. In the process, the brain gets synced. And the magic happens.

Components of a Hemi-Sync:
  1. Lie down comfortably - make sure you are comfortable to easily relax the whole body (my hack: I would even do some yoga Asanas to tire the body down first).
  2. Personal Vibrational Energy
    Practitioner listens to waves on a shore and uses that analogy to reflect his own personal energetic vibration - listening is a cascading of vibrations until it reaches the brain, heart beat is pulsing energy, etc. This creates an awareness that energy is everywhere...even the human anatomy (my hack: in the Gateway Process, it states that energy is not just everywhere, it's everything...nothing is solid - everything is energy. So I develop an awareness throughout my body that pure energy is coursing through me).
  3. Energy Conversion Box
    The participant imagines an indestructible box with a heavy lid where nothing goes in and nothing comes out unless the user so decides. All things not needed during the session is put in there (my hack: at first, I didn't find much use with this, but later on, I realized that during the session, too many undesirable faces and too many unpleasant events of the past were encroaching. I simply put them in this 'safe'...and they are gone!).
  4. Resonate Tuning
    The participant is enjoined to breathe deep, taking in fresh vibrant energy that goes to the head and hold (my hack: on the inhale, I envision Kundalini shakti rising from Muladhara chakra, coursing through the Sushumna nadi until it reaches the head. Then I hold into an Antara kumbhaka with Jalandhara and Mula bandha). Exhale with a hum, envisioning spent energy and negative elements coming out of the system (my hack: instead of humming, I chant OM or do Bhramari chant). This creates a resonant state making the mind and body susceptible to the LBH/RBH syncing (this is no different from chanting in yoga when the user reverberates with a mantra to have his frequency and the mantra united as one).
  5. Gateway Affirmation
    Participant repeats the affirmation heard on the tape saying that he is more than just the body and that he wants to expand his consciousness (my hack: I take this further by generating a feeling of desire...more than just parroting the affirmation).
  6. Energy Balloon
    Inhalation courses an invigorating energy in the form of white light with a #10, towards the head. The intention of this exercise is to instantaneously generate a state of Focus 10 by associating that white energy ball with the #10 - the body should fall easily is a relaxed mode while keeping the mind awake. (my hack: on the inhale, I engage Mula bandha (perinium lock) from the Muladhara chakra (base of the spine), passing through Sushumna nadi (central energy pathway along the spine), going to top of the head where it explodes into a radiant white light at the Sahasrara chakra (the final destination chakra)). Exhale slowly as the white energy spontaneously flows down from the top of the head, flowing outside the body in a spiralling direction, forming a protective cosmic egg. On the next inhale, all that white energy is reabsorbed back into the body through the feet, and through the tips of the fingers. This simulates the energy flow in the Cosmic Egg. This energy field serves as a source of 'on demand' energy.

    Another intention for that energy balloon is to protect you against anything that may potentially harm you. The energy balloon acts as a force field.

    The energy balloon was revisited in Wave 3 Track 3 where you float the energy balloon with you inside.
  7. Energy Bar Tool
    Done on Focus 10, earlier Wave and Wave 3 Track 2. This Energy Bar Tool has been represented across human history as scepters, magic wands, and powerful staff. The mind visualizes an intense white dot and concentrates on it until it pulsates and stretches itself into the form of a 'wand' serving the conduit between him and the power of the universe at his bidding. He can visualize the use of the wand to heal, manifest and empower. The wand changes colors but it wasn't stated how to use the other colors other what's outlined in 'Color Breathing'.

    In Wave 3 Track 2, its use was revived. Charging it, making it a tube, taking one end close to our consciousness, the other end to a white envelope we hid previously (I've gone sequentially through HS and I don't recall any white envelope), and getting the 6 numbers (?) inside.

    Charging the tool again and pressing it against a white cotton ball (this is supposed to have been tackled previously but I don't recall anything) to make it light and floating. Charging the tool again and putting it beside the white cotton ball to make it hot. And then release.

    Charging it again and making it a tube with one end on our consciousness and other end on a friend, re-establishing a kind of bond, and later on passing a message.
  8. Color Breathing - done on Focus 12. Using the inherent energy of color for strength, therapy and balance - green for emotional triggers, red for strength, speed and coordination and purple for balance and homeostatis. Inhaling and hold, imagine the color doing its part, exhale slowly (my hack: Uyyai inhale, Antara kumbhaka while visualizing the #10 ball with the needed color rising up the Sushumna and exploding inside the head, OM mantra on the exhale)
  9. Problem Solving - this is done on Focus 12. Think of your most pressing problem and throw it out to the universe....and let them do all the thinking, the calculation and the resolution. The answer will come. And feel that the answer will definitely come.
  10. Patterning - done on Focus 12. Visualize your idealized physique (ripped muscles? new teeth? black hair? sharp nose? forever young?) and throw it to the universe for manifestation. Same thing with idealized intellect (fast thinking? comprehensive understanding? brilliant ideas?) and idealized emotions (calm? composed? collected?)
  11. Living Body Map - featured on Wave 2 Track 6, done on Focus 12. This balances vital energies in the body. You imagine a bright white outline of the body representing all the energy forms. See the color changes - red for circulation of blood, blue for the nervous system, yellow representing all glandular functions, and orange for bones and muscles. You then overlay the white outline of the body over these colors and see if there is a dim or flickering spot. You then retrieve your Energy Tool (the magic wand), emanate the healing color of purple, and energize the dim part with it.
  12. Lift Off - featured on Wave 3 Track 1, done on Focus 12 (May 21, 2023). This simulates being inside your energy balloon and feeling a lift and hovering, and then returning back. It's not really to trigger a separation but to simply be introduced to the concept and emulation of a lift off. The audio finishes without the usual 'goodbye'. Perhaps it assumes that if there really was a lift-off, then the voyager can continue the trip.
  13. 5 Questions - done in Wave 3 Track 4 at Focus 12 (May 22, 2023).
    1. Who am I?
    2. Where and who was I before this life?
    3. What is my purpose in this life?
    4. What can I do to serve this purpose?
    5. What is the most important message I can receive and understand at this point of my existence?
  14. Harnessing Energy thru Palms - done in Wave 3 Track 5 at Focus 12 (May 23, 2023). With palms facing up, hold the inhale and visualize all the energies in the cosmic field being funneled onto the 2 palms and redirected to all the body parts for strength, therapy, balance and optimum functionality.
  15. First Stage Separation - done in Wave 3 Track 6 at Focus 12 (May 24, 2023). You visualize yourself separate from your body doing the following:
    1. slowly rolling over - and rolling over, and reversing the rollover until you come back exactly where you left off
    2. slowly being tilted up - you are a rigid pole and your head is being lift up slowly until you are standing up. You are reverted back to lying down
    3. slowly moving back - as you are moving back, you begin to see the back side of your head and body. Observe yourself and your body and then slowly go back, feeling the slow overlaying of your 'self' back to your body until you no longer see the body
    4. lifting up - slowly lifting up until you see the top of your head. Hover and observe yourself and your body. Slowly go back.
  16. Five Messages - done in Wave 4 Track 2 at Focus 12 (May 26, 2023). With expanded consciousness in Focus 12, you request/retrieve 5 Messages that are very important for you. You don't know what these 5 messages are, but they will be revealed to you after the session.
  17. Free Flow - done in Wave 4 Track 3 at Focus 12 (May 29, 2023). With expanded consciousness (Focus 12), you go into a Free Flow, exploring the realms, asking questions, and making requests. There is a sound that 'rings' at intervals reminding you stay track on your questions and pursuit. By the end, you thank everyone for what was answer, insight, advise was given.
  18. NVC 1 (Non Verbal Communication 1) - done in Wave 4 Track 4 at Focus 12 (May 30, 2023). Monroe states words and you ension a picture inside your head. He then encourages you to be alert about pictures, symbols, feelings and any non verbal form of communication while on Focus 12.
  19. NVC 2 (Non Verbal Communication 2) - done in Wave 4 Track 5 at Focus 10/12 (May 31, 2023). On Focus 10, Monroe states words or group of words and you either envision the form (he says 'running dog', and you picture a dog don't use words or spelling). Or he can say 'need' (and you generate the feeling of need). After all the visualization, Monroe takes us to Focus 12 where we open ourselves to any NVC.
  20. NVC 3 (Non Verbal Communication 3) - done in Wave 4 Track 6 at Focus (Jun 1, 2023). Same as the other NVC but this time, you send messages and perceive messages that are non-verval. You emote the feelings of "eager, hello, goodbye, I'm leaving"
  21. Progressive Awareness Expansion - done in Wave 5 Track 1 at Advanced Focus 12 (Jun 2, 2023). On expanded awareness in Focus 12, all previous modes are incorporated free-flow...patterning, perceiving, messaging, NVC, etc. It was someone else talking, not a Monroe version but it's clearer.
  22. Intuition - done in Wave 5 Track 2 at Advanced Focus 12 (Jun 3, 2023). In a NVC, evoke the feeling of a gut-feel, intuition, instinct, premonition and try to remember moments when intuition served you right. Associate that 'intuition' by thinking "+ON" whenever the need for a voice from beyond is needed.
  23. Intuition + Source - done in Wave 5 Track 3 at Advanced Focus 12 (Jun 4, 2023). Similar to Track 2, but this time, you use your intuition to find out who you are and who the source of your intuition is.
  24. Energy Body
    (Jun 8, 2023) - done in Wave 6 Track 1 at Focus 12, introduction of Energy Body. You feel your energy body within the physical. You extend you non-physical hands to hold something close to you.

    (Jun 9, 2023) - done in Wave 6 Track 2 at Focus 12. You float your energy body very close to the physical. You're not taking off yet to a far away destination.

    (Jun 11, 2023) - done in Wave 6 Track 3 at Focus 12. You rotate your Energy Body 180 degrees.
  25. - done in Wave 6 Track xxx at Focus (Jun , 2023).
  26. Focus 1 - this is the normal awake state and the take-off point. This is also the return point to conclude the session where the body comes back feeling refreshed, renewed and rebooted - same thing for the mind being cleared and sharpened
  27. Focus 3 - mind / brain syncing (this wasn't really explained. Monroe didn't say left-right brain syncing, but mind-brain syncing. Aren't they always in-sync? Can your mind think of anything else that didn't come from the brain?). After mastering Focus 3, the brain wave becomes bigger, meaning the brainwave output has become stronger. The synchronized brain state lasts a little longer
  28. Focus 10 - LBH sleeps, the body sleeps, RBH remains awake and active. From Focus 3, there are 10 relaxation steps to reach Focus 10. Through the rest of the course, Focus 10 is where Robert Monroe 'meets' us after we do the pre-requisites - Energy Conversion Box (the Vault, to me), Resonate Tuning (I hack with Maha Bandha), Energy Balloon (I hack with OM chanting) and Affirmation. Through the practice of Energy Balloon, the state of Focus 10 can instanteneously be reached - some kind of shortcut.
  29. Focus 12 - expanded consciousness to interact with other dimensions. Pink/white noise is resumed. An 'answer' might come from a pressing question but needs interpretation. Focus 12 is where you attempt to manifest desires through 'patterning' or heal yourself using 'color breathing'. Most of Hemi-Sync core activities are done on Focus 12.
  30. Focus 15 - (June 5, 2023), done on Wave 5 Track 4, to travel within all time frames - past, present and future. But there is no instruction on what to do when you get there. (June 6, 2023), on Track 5, you explore Focus 15 to create and manifest. Again, it's up to you what you want manifested.
  31. Focus 21 - (June 14, 2023), Odyssey 5-Movement to Locale 2. from Wave 6 Track 5, to travel into the future. This is the most advanced and very few attain this. Exercise 5 (Movement to Locale 2) may be your first conscious experience in Focus 21 (the bridge to other energy systems). As previously mentioned, Focus 21 is an extraordinary state of awareness that was previously reserved for the Institute's residential programs. As you relax into this exercise, specialized Hemi-Sync signals and verbal guidance will lead you to Focus 21. Carefully observe the subtle changes in vibrations or feelings of movement within your body as you are verbally guided from Focus 12 to Focus 21, transitioning through the various states of consciousness as you choose.

    (June 15, 2023) Wave 6 Track 6. This exercise is the culmination of all your previous work and is brand-new territory for your exploration. Again, staying focused and aware is important. You will move to Focus 21 directly from 12 by simply projecting your consciousness and guidance to the light of Focus 21. There, you will once again be encouraged to ask for assistance and guidance from those whose wisdom, development, and experience are equal to or greater than your own. No matter how many times you participate in this exercise, you will never exhaust its limitless possibilities for rich and abundantly rewarding far journeys.

    (June 16, 2023) Wave 7 Track 1. This takes you to Focus 21 (other realms or systems of reality) where you communicate with your 'Inner Self' and ask it probing questions about your purpose, how many lives you've lived, what your latest life was and what you can do to achieve your purpose.
  32. Focus 23 - Wave 7 Track 2, transitional reality of those who have just completed a physical life, but are somehow unable to move on.
    you will be instructed to observe and perceive the various beings and their states of consciousness. They may exhibit emotions of bewilderment, shock, and confusion. You will remain calm and confident as you are always in full control.
  33. Focus 25 - Wave 7 Track 3, , the belief system territories. This area is occupied by groups of non-physical humans who have, through thousands of years, accepted and subscribed to various premises and concepts. This region contains all human belief systems, and you are to observe without participation. You may encounter those you know, but you are only a visitor here to observe, remember, and take the memory with you. Keep in mind beliefs are simply tools we use in constructing reality, using them to limit certain areas and to expand others.
  34. Focus 27 - Wave 7 Track 4, the 'reception center' between physical lives where they can rest, review their life experiences, and consider their next evolutionary steps.This area was created as a way station, a familiar place to relax, meet with others, ask for help, communicate and con- sult with others. It is designed to ease the trauma and shock of the transition out of physical environments for the many different new arrivals. Through the assistance of counselors, the newly arrived can become calm and rational. Eventually the next goal along the path is decid- ed, and the visitor is directed away from the Reception Center to begin a new path to achievement, whatever that may be. You are only a visitor here, as you are still in physical matter reali- ty. This is a vast area, so be open to other perceptions other than visual, such as impressions, feelings, sensing, knowing, etc. You are instructed to just explore, as you find or create your own special place that you can visit again during your regular sleep. A place where you can meet with friends and those you love. This is also the region where you will return in Exercise 5 to assist those stuck in Focus 23. Here, you will encounter your loved ones, or other loving beings. From here you will select the one you wish to communicate with, as you ask for and send messages.

Enlightenment Hack?
So, forget about meditating 20 years in a cave, forget about decalsifying your pineal gland, or doing asana/pranayama...just listen to a specifically engineered sound to trigger something that remains hidden in your system.

From my yoga practice, Hemi-Sync practically offers Siddhi activation through sound.

CIA Connection
According to a de-classified CIA document, the Gateway Process, Hemi-Sync was extensively used by the CIA to develop its own team of psychic spies. The report compiled by US Army Lt. Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell was an eye-opener and empowering, I'm actually surprised it was declassified.

Ending Thoughts
Conceptually, it makes sense, with the CIA involvement adding credibility to the program. Furthermore, what Hemi-Sync achieves is essentially a scientific explanation of what the yogis have long since been saying. Of course, all this is nothing more than intellectual adventurism until I regularly practice it and achieve some kind of result. Officially, I'll start on the program tomorrow through interviews, videos and de-classified papers. I wish I could just enroll in the Monroe Institute program, but I think I'll just save the money.

I was already in Wave 5 when I saw the big picture of Hemi-Sync. Initially, I thought Hemi-Sync was simply a how-to on OBE. I was even confused when some of the audio files talked about manifesting intentions, retrieving messages, or perceiving a form of communication. It was not until I read the manual that said Hemi-Sync (or Gateway Process or Gateway Experience...I interchange these words) was too powerful a platform for just doing an OBE. It makes sense. After a few OBEs, the next question is, what then? This is where Hemi-Sync shines. It answers that question by introducing the many possibilities on an OBE - healing, finding answers to sought-after questions, going deep into the self, manifesting desires, etc. But before all that, of course, you need to achieve an OBE first.

(June 19, 2023) Finally, after 2 months of daily practice, I finished doing all the 42 audio files from Wave 1 to Wave 7. I have the big picture of the Gateway Experience, how to do it, what to expect, what you can do and how you can further evolve. But I went through all that without an OBE - everything was just a simulation as I went through the motions.

Being a yogi with a strong meditation background and incorporating pranayama, kumbhaka, bandha and mudra into Hemi-Sync, I initially thought I could achieve an OBE sooner rather than later - I was wrong. It didn't even feel like I came close to it.

I see the parallelism of Gateway Experience to Yoga - Monroe simply used words that a Western mind can more easily adapt to, but it's essentially the same thing. An OBE allows you to leave the physical realm and explore what lies beyond time, space and dimension. This is also true to yoga when you awaken Kundalini and let it ascend to the Sahasrara chakra where energy unites with consciousness - you enter a state of Samadhi where you transcend time, space and human perception. The difference is, in Gateway Experience, it seems to imply that by doing the exercises, you can achieve this within a month. In yoga, it would take years of dedicated practice to achieve Samadhi - perhaps over several lifetimes.

So, what to do now? Will I abandon Gateway Experience and just continue with my yoga? I still think the Gateway Experience is a powerful modality to integrate into my yoga practice. Perhaps what I'll do is go back to the very start of the Gateway Experience and do it all over again, this time with the benefit of not doing it the first time. I can always incorporate a HS audio in my meditation segment. We'll see. But I would be totally stoked if and when I actually do an OBE, especially knowing now the limitless potential it holds.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
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Why Files: The Gateway Process

Hemi-Sync Full Course by Gateway Experience

Hemi-Sync Manual Hemi-Sync Manual / Gateway Experience Guidance Manual pdf: Hemi-Sync manual
Hemi-Sync Transcript Hemi-Sync Transcript pdf: Hemi-Sync transcript
Introductory Demo

30 mins, introduction, volume adjustment, pink noise

(May 8, 2023, 6 am) Hemi-Sync Demo


Wave 1: Discovery
Track 1: Energy Conversion Box, Affirmation, Resonate Tuning

33 mins, orientation, intro to Personal Energetic Vibration, intro to Energy Conversion Box, Affirmation, Resonate Tuning

(May 9, 2023, 2 am) home, HS, Wave 1, Track 1, rest, then Track 2. So, 2 back-to-back sessions in one go. Then I slept again. I should not go beyond Wave 1 Track 2 today, but instead repeat it.

Track 2: Mind-Brain Syncing

37 mins, intro to Focus 3 (mind/brain sync), intro to Focus 10 (body asleep, mind alert)

(May 9, 2023, 2:30 am) HS, Wave 1, Track 2 (back to back from Track 1)

(May 9, 2023, 10 am) HS, Wave 1, Track 2

(May 9, 2023, 6:00 pm) seawall, HS, Wave 1, Track 2, HS, Wave 1, Track 2 + Trataka (no tears)

(May 9, 2023, 10:00 pm) roof deck, HS, Wave 1, Track 2

Track 3: Energy Balloon

35 mins, intro to Energy Balloon, advanced Focus 10

(May 10, 2023, 12 mn) bed, lying down, HS, Wave 1, Track 3 (1st)

(May 10, 2023, 6 am) bed, lying down, HS, Wave 1, Track 3 (2nd)

(May 10, 2023, 5:15 pm) HS, Wave 1, Track 3 (3rd)

Track 4: Release and Recharge

35 mins, Release and Recharge, opening the Energy conversion Box, removing fear, removing negative emotion and reintegrating suppressed memories

(May 11, 2023, 12 midnight) lying down before going to sleep, my first OBE? HS, Wave 1, Track 4 (being on Focus 10, going back to the Energy Conversion Box and removing fear, removing the emotions covered by that fear and accepting the underlying event that produced the emotion and fear). Honestly, I don't understand this.

(May 11, 2023, 3:30 am) awakened from sleep, seated, HS, Wave 1, Track 4, it was after this meditation that I had the lucid dream

(May 12, 2023, 5 am) home, HS, Wave 1, Track 4, Sidhassana - I never really understood this session of pulling out fear and emotions and then reintegrating the memory/event that was hidden. I've had 2 sessions on this and I'm glad to move on to Track 5.

(May 12, 2023, 7 pm) roofdeck, HS, Wave 1, Track 4

Track 5: Sleep Exploration

Sleep Exploration, 35:10, rolling over like a log, floating, coming back to regular sleep

(May 12, 2023, 5 am) home, HS, Wave 1, Track 5, lying down - unclear what this was supposed to do....roll like a log, feel like floating...counting to 20 from 10, to go back into normal sleep

(May 12, 2023, 7:30 pm) roofdeck, HS, Wave 1, Track 5

(May 13, 2023, 6 am) bed (waking up)

(May 14, 2023, 2 am) bed lying down, sleep exploration, turning over like a log, floating. I went back to find out if I missed anything. Staying the course

Track 6: Manifesting Intention

34 mins, Free flow, Intention activation, on Focus 10, create your personal intention and manifest it, and consider it done

(May 13, 2023, 8 am) roofdeck, HS, Wave 1, Track 6, nothing really happened here. It simply stated to act on our intention and consider it done. I intentioned to see the face on Mars but there was no separation...not even a vibration.

(May 13, 2023, 8 pm) roofdeck, HS, Wave 1, Track 6, same, nothing really happened here. I intentioned to see the face on Mars but there was no vibration or separation. I began to wonder if I should go back to Track 5

(May 14, 2023, 2:30 am) bed lying down, intention and manifesting it. Yes, this was a back-to-back session from Track 5. I was in-and-out of it as I was still half asleep. I feel intense vibration throughout the body but it just stayed like that. There is so much to take up so I will progress to Wave 2 Track 1 after this.

(May 14, 2023, 1:15 pm) room, seated. It was a controlled and focused meditation, going from Focus 10 to 12. But no OBE

Wave 2: Internal Healing
Track 1: Expansion of Awareness

35 mins, Intro to Expansion of Awareness (Focus 12)

(May 14, 2023, 2am)

(May 14, 2023, 1:15 pm, room, seated) It was a controlled and focused meditation, going from Focus 10 to 12. But no OBE

(May 14, 2023, 11 pm, bed) I slept through most of it.

Track 2: Problem Solving

36:39, Problem Solving, on Focus 12 (expanded consciousness transcending the body) send the pressing problem to the cosmic universe and await the answer.

(May 15, 2023, 2pm) room, seated (in Sukhasana as perinium is now painful from Siddhasana). perspiration dripping the whole time. My problem? A recurring situation happens after I leave a place...some people are just happy to see me go. It happened in Sagada, UPM, Chiang Mai, Cebu yoga, etc. Even though I have good reasons for leaving, I know I have blind spots. What are these and how do I deal with them? That's the pressing question I sent out. Is it because I have strong opinions and vocal about it. And it comes across people the wrong way? Is it because I have too much ego (?) and it's abrasive? Should I just shut up and let them do all the talking while I just listen and learn?

(May 15, 2023, pm)

(May 15, 2023, 4:30 pm) room, seated, problem solving, on Focus 12. Yes, after 2 hours, I'm back doing the same thing again

(May 15, 2023, 10 pm) bed lying down before sleep. Same question, not no answer. I don't really expect an immediate answer. I expect it more as an Aha Moment when I least expect it.

Track 3: Patterning

38:28, Patterning, visualizing and 'being' the person you want to be -physically, intellectually and emotionally. Seeing yourself in a place you want to be

(May 16, 2023, 6am) lying down on bed, visualizing physically (forever young, black hair, new teeth, sharper narrower nose, ripped physique), intellectually (single-minded focus) and emotionally (calm, collected and composed). Being on my yoga ashram, atop a mountain overlooking the waters

(May 16, 2023, 8pm) lying down on bed, until I fell asleep

(May 17, 2023, 6am) just awoke on bed, still half asleep, I was in and out of it. I should download Track 4 and 'master' it today

Track 4: Color Breathing

29:52, Color Breathing, green for neutralising emotional discharge, red for strength, speed and coordination, purple for homeostatis and equanimity - inhale, hold, visualize the color and its effect, exhale (OM chant)

(May 17, 2023, 5:30 pm) roofdeck, incorporated bandha and OM chanting, but garbage burning was bad

(May 17, 2023, 9 pm) bed, slept my way through it

Track 5: Energy Bar Tool

35:01, Energy Bar Tool shifting color and pulsing

(May 18, 2023, 6 am) bed as I woke up. It didn't seem to specify how to use this energy tool...change color, swing it around, fast color-shift from white to black, but nothing specific how to use it, how to use the colors, etc.

(May 18, 2023, 9 am) roofdeck, done after doing Bryan Kest Yoga 3 and Pranayama. I was dozing in and out of it, even though I started out fully awake and it's still morning.

(May 18, 2023, 3 pm) home, seated. HS was after an hour of straight Pranayama. I was curious if a surge of prana will facilitate OBE. I experimented on the Magic Wand by holding it and saying I want to go to Mars and see the face. It didn't, but I felt strong and vibrant after, despite the heat...I was perspiring the entire time.

(May 18, 2023, 10 pm) slept my way through it.

Track 6: Living Body Map

36:49, Living Body Map

(May 19, 2023, 5:30 am) My first time to do this section. I didn't really see any dim or flickering area on the body map but I still scanned it with the purple energy tool anyway.

Wave 3: Simulating Separation
Track 1: Lift Off

(May 19, 2023, 1:30 pm, bed) Even though it's not meant to trigger separation (I guess, not at this point), it simulates the feel and goes through the conceptual emulation of a lift. It worked for me as far as the visualization went.

(May 19, 2023, 8 pm, roof deck) I went through the motions but nothing unusual happened.

Track 2: Magic Wand

The magic wand was revived, charged and made into a tube and used to get 6 numbers from an envelope. Then the tube was used to make a white cotton ball float and then hot. Then it was used to connect with a friend to pass a message to.
(May 20, 2023, 8am, roof deck) I don't recall of any envelope and I didn't really visualize what numbers where there. I chose Ferd and passed him a message to ask me how my motorbike is. Let's see if he DMs me.

(May 20, 2023, 8 pm, bed, lying down) I wasn't feeling good. Looks like I had the chills last night. I was dozing off, hard to concentrate and stay awake.

Track 3: Energy Balloon

Energy Balloon lifting up with you inside

(May 21, 2023, 6 am, bed lying down) Still not 100%, still drifting in and out of it.

(May 21, 2023, 4 pm, seated, home) in and out of it

(May 21, 2023, 7:30 pm, seawall) seated, went through the motion. Nothing noticeable.

Track 4: Five Questions
  1. Who am I?
  2. Where and who was I before this life?
  3. What is my purpose in this life?
  4. What can I do to serve this purpose?
  5. What is the most important message I can receive and understand at this point of my existence?

(May 22, 2023, 2 am, bed) I fell asleep as soon as I engaged it. I don't even remember what was talked about.

(May 22, 2023, 7 am, bed) Still dozing, I fell asleep again not knowing what was talked about.

(May 22, 2023, 3 pm, bed lying down) I caught one of the questions, "Who am I", before falling to sleep.

(May 23, 2023, 7 am, bed, seated) I didn't want to progress into Track 5 today without really understanding Track 4. So, as soon as I awoke, without the risk of falling asleep, I did a last hurrah for Track 4. And I got it. It made sense and the question were powerful. I'll take notice the rest of the day if the anwswers will come.

Track 5: Harnessing Energy thru Palms

(May 23, 2023, 3 pm, 24Cafe @ Cambugahay) I was in and out of it half dozing, and didn't even finish.

(May 23, 2023, 5:30 pm, seated, home) I was awake the whole time but could focus. My mind was somewhere else. I didn't relly feel the energy transer.

(May 23, 2023, 8 pm, seawall) I modified, instead of palms, I used my eyes while doing Trataka. I have difficulty with this process, often finding myself drifting out. Later on, I realized my headphone had no left channel. So, how long has it been that I had been doing HS with no left channel? Dealing with binaural beats, it's essential to use a headphone with channel separation. I have to buy a new pair of headphones.

Track 6: First Stage Separation

34:04, First Stage Separation, done in Focus 12. You visualize yourself rolling over, moving back, lifted up

(May 24, 2023, 7am, seated on bed) having difficulty with the channel separation (I need to replace my earphones). Even though I'm not doing OBE yet, I visualize the whole thing, even 'seeing' my body from where I am. I could imagine, at some point, while visualizing the experience, the actual OBE would be triggered and you actually see your body away from where you are.

(May 24, 2023, 8 pm, bed) the left channel stopped working. I had to stop. Need to buy a new pair of headphones.

(May 25, 2023, 9 am, roofdeck, seated) I still went ahead without the headphone. It's still better than not doing it.

(May 25, 2023, 6pm, seawall) I bought a new pair of earphones so I made a last hurrah for Track 6.

Wave 4: Adventure
Track 1: One Year Patterning

34:05, One Year Patterning, done in Focus 12. This is similar to the previous Patterning, but with a one year time frame for its fruition.

(May 25, 2023, 6 pm, seawall) Having purchased a pair of new earphones, I continue. Hard to focus as my mind kept drifting.

(May 26, 2023, 2 am, bed, lying down) Since I just woke up, my mind was alert. It was a good session but still no OBE.

Track 2: Five Messages

Done in Wave 4 Track 2 at Focus 12 (May 26, 2023). With expanded consciousness in Focus 12, you request/retrieve 5 Messages that are very important for you. You don't know what these 5 messages are, but they will be revealed to you after the session.

(May 26, 2023, 6 pm, seawall) I didn't received any revelation of what the messages are.

(May 26, 2023, 11 pm, bed lying down) I was already sleepy and slept through it.

(May 27, 2023, throughout the day) I made a few more attempts, but unproductive - I was tuning in and out of it. I don't think I made the most of this Track, but I have to move on to the next Track.

Track 3: Free flow 12

Done at Focus 12 with expanded consciousness, you go into a Free Flow, exploring the realms, asking questions, and making requests. There is a sound that 'rings' at intervals reminding you stay track of your questions and pursuit. By the end, you thank everyone for what was answer, insight, advise was given.

(May 29, 2023, 12 mn, Siddhasana on bed) I'm behind schedule so I squeezed this in before going to sleep. It's always best when seated because I don't fall asleep and finish the session. I didn't really have any question or request, but I attempted to explore the face on Mars. I'm not really obsessed with the face on Mars - it's only my litmus test to gauge OBE. No, there was no OBE.

(May 29, 2023, 6 am, bed, Siddhasana) Again, I concentrated on going to Mars to see the face. I tried many techniques - falling down, coming up my Sahasrara, lifting up, etc. None worked.

(May 29, 2023, 4 pm, seated home) Attemting to see the face again, but no OBE.

Track 4: NVC I

36:45, Free Flow 12, NVC I - non-verbal communication. I was focused on being out there...beyond the body, feeling for any emanation of a symbol, feeling, picture, and any non verbal form of communication. None.

(May 30, 2023, 8 am, Siddhasana, bed) Despite being in the morning, I was drifting in and out of it all. I think I even fell asleep.

(May 30, 2023, 3:45 pm, Siddhasana, home) The audio resolution is bad. On Focus 12, I was open, but no pictures, messages, symbols or feelings. I always visualize me lifting up from the body when going into Focus 12. Still, no OBE

(May 30, 2023, 10 pm, bed seated/lying down) Halfway through, I lied down and fell asleep almost immediately. This session doesn't count.

Track 5: NVC 2

44:35, Focus 10/12, NVC 2 - non-verbal communication

(May 31, 2023, 6:30 am, Siddhasana) I understand it better this time. "Need" is not to envision a man in need, but to generate the feeling of 'need' itself, without object or subject. This is interesting and unique since these feelings always come with 'who is needing' and 'what is needed'. But to isolate just the 'feeling' of need? Interesting. So, went I went to Focus 12, I was open to receive pictures, feelings and any other sensation (not words or language). But nothing came and there was no OBE.

(May 31, 2023, 4 pm, bed lying down) I fell asleep.

(May 31, 2023, 10 pm, bed, Siddhasana) I was awake the whole time, did all the motions, but no messages received, no OBE

Track 6: NVC 3 (Non Verbal Communication 3)

Same as the other NVC but this time, you send messages and perceive messages that are non-verval. You emote the feelings of "eager, hello, goodbye, I'm leaving"

(June 1, 2023, 6:30 am, bed, Siddhasana) First thing in the morning and my mind was fully awake and sharp. I sent out 'eager', 'hello', 'I'm open' and visualized new teeth, black hair, youth, fresh eyes. No OBE, no 'messages' received.

(June 1, 2023, 5:30 pm / seawall, Siddhasana) Wave 4 Track 6: NVC 3 (Non Verbal Communication 3), went through all the motion, but no messages, no OBE

(June 1, 2023, 8:30 pm / seawall, Siddhasana) went through all the motion, but no messages, no OBE

(June 1, 2023, 10:00 pm / bed, Siddhasana) 4th and last for the day, went through all the motion, drifting in and out, but got on track when Monroe spoke. But no messages, no OBE

Wave 5: Exploring
Track 1: Advanced Focus 12

34:38, Advanced Focus 12 (Progressive Awareness Expansion), on expanded awareness in Focus 12, all previous modes are incorporated free-flow...patterning, perceiving, messaging, NVC, etc. It was someone else talking, not a Monroe version but it's clearer.

(June 2, 2023, 7:30 am, bed, Siddhasana) I reinforced my previous physique patterning - youth, black hair, new teeth, sharp nose, strong physique, no hernia, no vertigo, fresh sharp eyes. For place patterning, I was on my yoga ashram overlooking the ocean, lots of shady trees, and a water spring source. I tried going to Mars to see the 'face', but no OBE, no messages from beyond.

(June 2, 2023, 10:30 am, roofdeck, Siddhasana) exact simulation of the above, exact same result.

(June 2, 2023, 10 pm, bed, lying down) I finished the whole session and continued with the 'extended' Hemi-Sync until I fell asleep. I woke up with my ear hurting for having the earphone there the whole time.

Track 2: Discovering Intuition

34:38, Discovering Intuition, done in Wave 5 Track 2 at expanded Focus 12. In a NVC, evoke the feeling of a gut-feel, intuition, instinct, premonition and try to remember moments when intuition served you right. Associate that 'intuition' by thinking "+ON" whenever the need for a voice from beyond is needed.

(June 2, 2023, 6:30 am, bed, lying down)

Track 3: Advanced Exploring Intuition

35:09, Advanced Exploring Intuition. Similar to Track 2, but this time, you use your intuition to find out who you are and who the source of your intuition is.

(June 3, 2023, 3 am, bed, lying down) I would be reminded to stay on track when the narrator talks (not Monroe). There was no 'source' for the intuition and no revelation of 'who I am'. Honestly, I don't find these 'intuition' sessions helpful. My instincts and intuition are already well in place and I don't feel it's important to know the source. It's enough to know that it's benevolent and it's there for you.

(June 3, 2023) I've done a few more sessions this day but unable to write them down due to my severe eye strain.

Track 4: Advanced Intro to Focus 15

35:00, Advanced Intro to Focus 15

(June 4/5, 2023) From Focus 12, we were taken to Focus 15 as we free ourselves from the constraints of time. We are now boundless and free to roam past and future. I went through the motion - visualization, feeling it, etc., but no OBE and no realization. Frustrated, I listened to other non-Hemi-Sync audio for Astral Travel. Some were guided meditation, some were guided with binaural beats, but I stayed where I am.

Track 5: Manifestation

34:59, Mission 15 and Manifestation

(June 6, 2023, 2 am / 6 am, bed, lying down) In Focus 15, free from time, you attempt to create and manifest - up to you how you want it, but best if you use the previous NVC lessons. Again, I defaulted to my basic patterning to manifest youth, new teeth, fresh eyes, black hair. Additionally, I tried to go to Mars to look at the face. I'm supposed to be on the advanced stages of the Hemi-Sync program where I transcend the limits of space and time. But still, I haven't managed any OBE or even the 'trembling' that precedes it. It's been over 5 weeks of daily practice with no results. I'm wondering now if I should continue. But there are only a few days left before the program is over, so I'll go through it.

Track 6: Exploring Focus 15

38:05, Exploring Focus 15

(June 7, 2023, 8 am, Siddhasana, roof deck) It's a free flow exploration on the source of intuition and the essence of self. There are long empty spaces (for an uninterrupted journey) but personally, I need a guided verbalization in intervals to remind me to stay on track. Also, going deeper into intuition is too abstract for me. Intuition is intuition. Just follow it. What's the point in sourcing it? At this point, after reading the 'manual', I think it's best for me to start from square one and progress until I do an OBE. It doesn't make sense for me to wander into these advanced states when I'm still in my body.

Wave 6: Odyssey
Explainer / Manual Explainer: A Journey to Focus 21 pdf
Track 1: Sensing Locale 1

(34:40), Exercise 1 will reacquaint you with Focus 12. While in Focus 12, you will be introduced to your energy body (second body) as a field of energy surrounding your physical body. You may equate this second body to the life force that animates the physical body or you may choose to refer to it as your etheric body, subtle body, or light body. Call it what you will, this energy field is the same, vibrating and alive an extension of your physical body. Exercise 1 willassist you in learning to control your energy body.

Getting a feel for the etheric body, reaching out with the non-physical hand and holding / pushing things.

(June 8, 2023, 3/8 pm, Siddhasana, terrace/seawall) I emulated grabbing the thermal pot and dive mask. I tried OBE but none.

Track 2: Expansion in Locale 1

(34:05), Exercise 2 will enable you to begin a greater exploration of Locale 1 through the expansion of your energy body in Focus 12. This is accomplished by speeding up the vibrations in your energy body and expanding it outward, like a large bubble surrounding your physical body. Once fully expanded, you will move your awareness toward the far reaches of your energy body; becoming lighter as you move farther from the confines of your physical body.

Continuing with the energy body, making it float but staying very close to the body.

(June 9, 2023, 1 am, Siddhasana, roofdeck) I just had Kunjal kriya and used the time to quiet down. I had a good feel emulating the whole process, but no OBE. Everything was just visualizatin and feeling.

(June 9, 2023, 4:30 pm, Siddhasana, terrace) I had a good feel emulating the whole process, but no OBE. Everything was just visualizatin and feeling.

(June 10, 2023, 4:30 am, Siddhasana, bed) Good visualization (as can be expected since I just woke up) but no actual lifting. I tried continuing with the extended version of HS.

Track 3: Point of Departure

(34:41) With practice, you will have become comfortable and proficient in moving your consciousness within an expanded energy body. Now you are ready for take-off. Once again you will be led to Focus 12, where you will move your consciousness into your energy body and rotate it 180 degrees. This technique may seem familiar from earlier exercises in the Gateway Experience. This exercise, however, has a very different starting point your energy body which is vibrating at a very high speed. The rotation may also seem different. For some, the experience may appear to be like a very slow movement in time and space; for others, a shift in awareness, like having eyes in the back of your head. You may actually see your own body. It is best to suspend expectations. Whatever your experience, your goal during Exercise 3 is to project your consciousness out ofphase with your physical body.

(June 11, 2023, 4 pm, Siddhasana, terrace) This is about moving the Energy body - turning while getting a sense of bearing. I've done a few more sessions but forgot to log in...and now I forgot already.

Track 4: Non Physical Friends

(35:45) Non Physical Friends. In earlier explorations, astral travelers realized they were not alone - there are usually 4 benevolent guides, 2 on each side. They can help trigger the astral separation, or help manifest the intention of the session. This is the reason why in the Affirmation and before the session ends, we thank these entities.

(June 12, 2023, 4 am, Siddhasana, bed)
(June 12, 2023, 6 pm, Siddhasana, seawall)
(June 12, 2023, 10 pm, Siddhasana, bed)
(June 13, 2023, 12 am, Siddhasana, bed) I drifted in and out so focus wasn't clear. The long silence between the talk caused me to drift out. On a clear mind, I managed to stay along, visualizing, internalizing and 'feeling'. No OBE though, but a good meditation on mental focus.

Track 5: Odyssey 5-Movement to Locale 2/Intro Focus 21

33:37, Intro to Focus 21. From Focus 12, you are taken to Focus 21, the realm of Locale 2. It didn't say what's Focus 21 except that you enter into a white light and into Locale 2. They didn't say what's in Locale 2, but to explore it. But here's the text:

Odyssey 5-Movement to Locale 2.from Wave 6 Track 5, to travel into the future. This is the most advanced and very few attain this. Exercise 5 (Movement to Locale 2) may be your first conscious experience in Focus 21 (the bridge to other energy systems). As previously mentioned, Focus 21 is an extraordinary state of awareness that was previously reserved for the Institute's residential programs. As you relax into this exercise, specialized Hemi-Sync signals and verbal guidance will lead you to Focus 21. Carefully observe the subtle changes in vibrations or feelings of movement within your body as you are verbally guided from Focus 12 to Focus 21, transitioning through the various states of consciousness as you choose.

(June 14, 2023, 6 am, bed, Siddhasana)
...just went through the motion. Nothing remarkable. It's important to read the intro first so you get some kind of bearing or heads-up.

(June 14, 2023, several sessions in the day)
dozing in and out of it.

Track 6 / Odyssey 6: Free flow Journey in Focus 21

(39:48) Monroe: This exercise is the culmination of all your previous work and is brand-new territory for your exploration. Again, staying focused and aware is important. You will move to Focus 21 directly from 12 by simply projecting your consciousness and guidance to the light of Focus 21. There, you will once again be encouraged to ask for assistance and guidance from those whose wisdom, development, and experience are equal to or greater than your own. No matter how many times you participate in this exercise, you will never exhaust its limitless possibilities for rich and abundantly rewarding far journeys.

(June 15, 2023, several sessions) My eyes were badly strained and I could not even look at my phone or laptop and it affected my practice. Anyway, this track is rather uneventful for me, but with every HS session I do, it builds my proficiency into meditation - which is a boon on its own, with or without OBE.

Wave 7: Voyager

The purpose of Wave VII is to be of service to self and others. You will be introduced and operate within very deep states of awareness associated with the afterlife state: Focus 23 through Focus 27. From these unique levels contact is made with individuals who have died physically but, for various reasons, remain 'static' - unable to detach completely from the earth energy systems. One stated objective is to rescue or retrieve these individuals, guiding them beyond the earth experience to a 'reception center' (Focus 27) where they can rest, review their life experiences, and consider their next evolutionary steps.

You will first begin by exploring your Total Self in Focus 21 with the aid of your Inner Helper. This allows you to set the groundwork for moving into and working in these higher Focus levels.

Trust that your experiences are exactly as they should be for you at this time. Your heartfelt appreciation is an appropriate means to acknowledge any assistance given you. It is, therefore, recommended that you take time to express your gratitude following each exercise.

Trust yourself throughout these exercises and know that a greater part of you is always there to help and assist you.

It is important that you experience each exercise in succession, building directly on the tools and techniques learned in the previous exercise. The goal is to practice what you learn so you can repeat the experience effectively without listening to the exercise. The more you do this, the easier it will become.

Use your intentions and willingness to explore to assist you in transcending limiting beliefs. It is our hope that you might come to know you are more than your physical body.

We appreciate your dedication to personal growth and thank you for your continued support of The Gateway Experience. As always, we urge you to keep a journal of your explorations.

Track 1: Explore Total Self

36:27, Voyager 1 Explore Total Self

The purpose of this exercise is to gain a better understanding of your Total Self. You will explore your purpose for living this physi- cal life with the help of your Inner Helper - the one who is your clos- est friend and ally, who knows and understands you better than you realize.

You will be guided to Focus 21, the bridge to other reality systems. From here you will connect with your Inner Helper, establishing communication so that you may ask a series of questions and receive information regarding your Earth life.

(June 16, 2023, 7am, Siddhasana) This takes you to Focus 21 (other realms or systems of reality) where you communicate with your 'Inner Self' and ask it probing questions about your purpose, how many lives you've lived, what your latest life was and what you can do to achieve your purpose.

Track 2: Intro to Focus 23

40:50, Voyager 2 Intro to Focus 23

This may be your first conscious experience in Focus 23, the transi- tional reality of those who have just completed a physical life, but are somehow unable to move on.

You will be instructed to move to Focus 21 by the method you have learned. As you relax into this exercise, special Hemi-Sync signals and verbal guidance will lead you to Focus 23. Carefully observe the subtle changes in vibrations or feelings of movement within your body as you move to Focus 23, transitioning through the various states of consciousness as you choose.

Once in Focus 23, you will be instructed to observe and perceive the various beings and their states of consciousness. They may exhibit emotions of bewilderment, shock, and confusion. You will remain calm and confident as you are always in full control.

Become familiar with all you observe, as this is the point of the many you can help. However, you will only be an observer and are not to engage with any of these beings at this time. If approached by someone, simply offer love and ask their guides to help them. You will have the opportunity to return to this area and be of assistance in Exercise 5.

(June 17, 2023) I am writing this in June 20 because my eye strain was so bad I couldn't even look at this laptop screen. But I did all the exercises/tracks. I just have no recollection for a feedback, except that overall, Wave 7 makes sense to me and engaged me.

Track 3: Intro to Focus 25

35:35, Voyager 3 Intro to Focus 25

In this exercise, you will be introduced to Focus 25, the belief system territories. This area is occupied by groups of non-physical humans who have, through thousands of years, accepted and subscribed to various premises and concepts.

You are instructed to move to Focus 23 on your own; from there, you will be verbally guided to Focus 25. This region contains all human belief systems, and you are to observe without participation.

You may encounter those you know, but you are only a visitor here to observe, remember, and take the memory with you. Keep in mind beliefs are simply tools we use in constructing reality, using them to limit certain areas and to expand others.

(June 18, 2023) I am writing this in June 20 because my eye strain was so bad I couldn't even look at this laptop screen. But I did all the exercises/tracks. I just have no recollection for a feedback, except that overall, Wave 7 makes sense to me and engaged me.

Track 4: Intro to Focus 27

41:19, Voyager 4 Intro to Focus 27

This is your introduction to Focus 27, the reception center between physical lives. This area was created as a way station, a familiar place to relax, meet with others, ask for help, communicate and con- sult with others.

It is designed to ease the trauma and shock of the transition out of physical environments for the many different new arrivals.

Through the assistance of counselors, the newly arrived can become calm and rational. Eventually the next goal along the path is decid- ed, and the visitor is directed away from the Reception Center to begin a new path to achievement, whatever that may be.

You are only a visitor here, as you are still in physical matter reali- ty. This is a vast area, so be open to other perceptions other than visual, such as impressions, feelings, sensing, knowing, etc. You are instructed to just explore, as you find or create your own special place that you can visit again during your regular sleep. A place where you can meet with friends and those you love. This is also the region where you will return in Exercise 5 to assist those stuck in Focus 23.

(June 19, 2023) I am writing this in June 20 because my eye strain was so bad I couldn't even look at this laptop screen. But I did all the exercises/tracks. I just have no recollection for a feedback, except that overall, Wave 7 makes sense to me and engaged me.

Track 5: Retrieval

41:42, Voyager 5 Retrieval

This exercise is designed to teach you how to assist those in Focus 23. You will first be instructed to move to Focus 27 to ask for help in making a 'rescue run.' Suspend the skeptical, critical, and ana- lytical left-brain part of yourself during this exercise, so that you may be free to fully experience and explore. Be open to the many ways in which information and communication may be perceived beyond the five physical senses.

You may have a visual impression of the guidance available, or you may not. Look for subtleties, such as:

  1. A 'lightening' in the energy around you
  2. You may feel suddenly warmer or cooler in your body temperature
  3. A flash of color
  4. Your heart rate might accelerate
  5. You may just 'sense' that there is a presence around you
  6. You could feel a tingling in your hands, arms or feet
  7. A rush of energy throughout your body
  8. Achill like goosebumps on your neck or arms
  9. You may sense the feeling of a cool breeze moving across your face or the top of your hands
  10. A little flutter on your cheek, like the trail of a butterfly wing
  11. Or maybe just a 'knowing' that guidance is there for you

The important thing is that whether you perceive its presence in some form or not, you proceed here with the assumption that it is, indeed, there with you, because you know from all your experiences that it is.

Once you have your helper, you will then move back to Focus 23 and select a newly arrived person to escort to the Reception Center in Focus 27.

You will have the opportunity to converse with the newcomer before asking your helper to move that person to someone who can provide the best assistance. Be open to impressions you may receive, such as the name of a person that may come to you. Instead of dismissing it, develop further impressions to build on. Just flow with it. In your mind you may ask for verification of the name, ask how they are, how did they get there, or what happened to them. Simply allow vague initial impressions to develop more fully into things you can follow up on. Just relax into this and remember you are well-quali- fied and have much help as you move in this new phase of learning and experiencing.

You will then be guided back through the various levels to full wak- ing consciousness. Use this exercise as much as you like to provide assistance to those in Focus 23.

(June 19, 2023) I am writing this in June 20 because my eye strain was so bad I couldn't even look at this laptop screen. But I did all the exercises/tracks. I just have no recollection for a feedback, except that overall, Wave 7 makes sense to me and engaged me.

Track 6: Messages From Beyond

29:03, Voyager 6 Messages From Beyond

The final exercise in this series is not as structured as all previous exercises. There is no formal preparatory process or count up/down. With limited verbal guidance, it acts as more of a free-flow, with a few visual suggestions and questions to pose. The Hemi-Sync fre- quencies will take you into the Focus 27 state where you will encounter your loved ones, or other loving beings. From here you will select the one you wish to communicate with, as you ask for and send messages.

(June 19, 2023) I am writing this in June 20 because my eye strain was so bad I couldn't even look at this laptop screen. But I did all the exercises/tracks. I just have no recollection for a feedback, except that overall, Wave 7 makes sense to me and engaged me.

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Reader Comments:

Luke RanceLuke Rance
(Feb 21, 2024) Hi, I'm very interested in what happened after the five questions in hemisync gateway experience. Did you ever get the answers??

(Feb 21, 2024) After 2 months of daily practice, I finished doing all the 42 audio files from Wave 1 to Wave 7 but without experiencing an OBE. Thus, no question was answered.

Next Astral Projection story:

The Gateway Process: OBE DIY Astral Projection

The Gateway Process: OBE DIY

(April 27 - May 2, 2023) The Gateway Process is a top-secret CIA document that has been de-classified. It disclosed step-by-step details on how to induce an Out of Body Experience (OBE) to train its psychic spies...more »»

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