a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2022 archive

Dec 2022 Blogs

2022: A Year in Review Traveling Lucid Thoughts

2022: A Year in Review

(Dec 31, 2022) 2022 ushered a new chapter in my life. After 4 years in Thailand, I had to leave and find solace in my own country and settle in Cebu City...more »»

Dec Snapshots Snapshot

Dec Snapshots

(Dec 31, 2022) A visual treat can come from a long-cherished desire to own or even just glimpse a spectacle that only a generation ago was deemed science fiction. Such is the electric uni-cycle...more »»

UP-Ateneo-La Salle Talk Caption

UP-Ateneo-La Salle Talk

(Dec 30, 2022) In the Philippines, there is popular thinking that the top 3 schools are UP (University of the Philippines), Ateneo and La Salle. Top companies usually hire applicants coming from any of these schools. But how are they different from each other? I asked a few friends who are alumni and here's a prevailing consensus...more »»

Smart Politics Politics

Smart Politics

(Dec 29, 2022) In politics, you stay out of the kitchen if you can't stand the heat. But what if you're not in the kitchen but still benefit from the political largese?..more »»

Immortals Who Walk Amongst Us Peoplescape Lucid Thoughts

Immortals Who Walk Amongst Us

(Dec 23, 2022) In 2 days, it's uncanny that I stumbled upon 2 lives believed by many to be immortals - Mahavatar Babaji and Count St. Germain. I didn't seek them out but their stories landed on my lap. Hmmm...what's the underlying hint here?..more »»

Snorkeling in Mactan with Mikko's Merry Band Traveling Freediving

Snorkeling in Mactan with Mikko's Merry Band

(Dec 11, 2022) My weeklong preparation for snorkeling in Mactan with Arthur and his merry crew boiled down to a cancelation due to inclement weather forcast. Without missing a beat, I got a message from Mikko, 'You wanna go boating today?' With my newfound mantra of saying, 'Yes to life', of course I said 'yes' - good thing I already packed all my gear...more »»

Visiting Ronda, Cebu Traveling

Visiting Ronda, Cebu

(Dec 5, 2022) While in Moalboal, I thought about visiting the nearby town of Ronda. It's not on any tourist map and frankly, I don't know of anything interesting there until I was told that there is a wise shaman...more »»

Moalboal with Elizabeth Traveling Freediving

Moalboal with Elizabeth

(Dec 4-9, 2022) I really had no plans for Moalboal. But somehow, my snorkeling gear which I haven't seen in 5 years were returned to me. Then my friend from Chiang Mai, Elizabeth, scheduled a trip to Moalboal to get her Open-Water Certificate. My only reply to her was, 'Let's travel together.' Thus Moalboal revisited...more »»

Cebu City Peoplescape Peoplescape

Cebu City Peoplescape

(Dec 4, 2022) With friends from the Cebu of 'old' being nowhere, I shifted my headspace into a new and different peoplescape...more »»

Fitness in Cebu Fitness

Fitness in Cebu

(Oct 3 - Dec 4, 2022) Starting a new life in Cebu made me more disciplined and organized. That also meant being more regular with my practice...daily practice...more »»

Food in Cebu Food Odyssey

Food in Cebu

(Dec 4, 2022) Cebu (or the Philippines for that matter), isn't known for food (compared to Thailand or Vietnam). but there are one-ofs that are simply a gem and not to be missed...more »»

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