a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Mathematics and its Layered Progressions Learning

Mathematics and its Layered Progressions

(February 21, 2025) I'm about to leave for Cebu but I still have 4 hours to kill. What to do? Answer my curiosity. Math has many levels - calculus, geometry, algebra, etc. What are the progressive levels? What practical questions do they solve? How did abstract Math evolve from '1+1'?...more »»

Ultimate Journey Book Review Yoga

Ultimate Journey

(datedate) Ultimate Journey is Robert Monroe's 2nd of a trilogy book series about out-of-body experience (OBE). This book expands into psychic realms beyond the physical reality....more »»

Far Journeys Book Review Yoga

Far Journeys

(datedate) Far Journeys is Robert Monroe's 2nd of a trilogy book series about out-of-body experience (OBE). This book expands into psychic realms beyond the physical reality....more »»

Journeys Out of the Body Book Review Yoga

Journeys Out of the Body

(datedate) Journeys Out of the Body is Robert Monroe's 2nd of a trilogy book series about out-of-body experience (OBE). This book expands into psychic realms beyond the physical reality....more »»

Kundalini Tantra Yoga Book Review

Kundalini Tantra

(datedate) As I was sourcing more info for my Kundalini Yoga reading (by Sri Sivananda), I came upon another book by his disciple, Sri Satyananda Saraswati - Kundalini Tantra. Although they both teachers come from the same lineage, Saraswati's version of Kundalini Yoga was developed as a stand-alone discipline. Again, I cannot be more eager in learning this and see how I can aggregate this to my current Chakra-activation practice....more »»

The Holographic Universe Quantum Mechanics

The Holographic Universe

(December 3, 2024) I have long been fascinated by Michael Talbot since I saw him in an interview. I found him intelligent, coherent, logical and articulate. I also agree with him. Finally, I get to read his book. Rest in Peace, Michael....more »»

Kundalini Yoga Yoga Book Review

Kundalini Yoga

(November 1, 2024) I have done an exhaustive study of Kundalini awakening with Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Swami Shivananda Saraswati authored Kundalini Yoga and I'd like to find out the overlaps and new things I can glean from this book. My practice in the past many years has been focused on Kundalini awakening. This book adds another layer to all that....more »»

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Book Review

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

(August 3 - xxx, 2024) Sapiens has been a runaway bestseller in the NY Times and launched Yuval Noah Harari as one of the world's most sought-after provocative thinkers. When I first stumbled into Yuval Harari's presentation about man creating fiction from thin air and then lives his life according to the dictates of that fiction, I was hooked. Finally, I get to read his book...more »»

The Lessons of History Book Review Learning

The Lessons of History

(datedate) I don't know anything about this book but in a Lex Fridman podcast with Elon Musk, Lex thanked Elon for recommending this book. Coming from Elon? That's all I needed to know. Reading this book is now added to my 'to read' project....more »»

Taking a Free Online A.I. Course Technology Learning

Taking a Free Online A.I. Course

(May 18, 2024) I was having lunch with Kat when she deliberated on the many ways AI is more relevant and compelling - including having AI be the 'teacher' for home-schooled kids. I was blown away. I thought I was already proficient with AI, but now I realized I had to level-up my game. Where to start? From the bottom - what is AI?...more »»

Yoga Upanishad Yoga

Yoga Upanishad

(December 12, 2023) The Yoga Upanishad is a collection of ancient philosophical Hindu text that talks about the principles and practice of yoga - meditation, breath control, and subtle energy channels...more »»

Benjamin Franklin Peoplescape Book Review

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

(November 30, 2023) Benjamin Franklin became a recurring name thrown at me. First, while watching an interview of billionaire Charlie Munger, he said he kept 2 busts in his home of 2 people he admired the most - Benjamin Franklin and Lee Kuan Yew. On a '19 Recommended Books to Read in your Lifetime', I saw Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. And while watching the American Revolution, Benjamin loomed larger than life. While watching an interview of celebrated author Walter Isaacson who was promoting his recent book about Elon Musk, I learned that he also authored a Benjamin Franklin biography! In my world-view of a benevolent universe blazing a path for me, this is a strong statement that I should roll up my sleeves and get to know Benjamin Franklin in an intimate way - by reading his autobiography...more »»

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga Book Review

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

(Aug 8-???, 2023) The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have been the classic reference and standard in the practice of Raja Yoga - yoga of the mind. Beyond asana, this book underscores the importance of ethics/morality (Yama/Niyama) and meditation. In this book, Sri Swami Satchidananda gives his commentary...more »»

The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga by Srivatsa Ramaswami yoga book review

The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga by Srivatsa Ramaswami

(datedate) Srivatsa Ramaswami was a direct one-on-one student of the legendary Tirumalai Krishnamacharya for 33 years. His experience with the Master encompassed yogic elements of asana, breathing, mindfulness, and therapy. With so many neo-yoga versions by self-styled revisionists nowadays, this practice takes us back to the source. A true gem!....more »»

How Dare You! Thought Bubble

How Dare You!

(September 23, 2019) At the UN Climate Action Summit in NY attended to by global leaders from 70 countries, Greta Thunberg delivered her incisive 'How Dare You' speech which reverberated around the world....more »»

Fair Game on a Pedestrian Lane

Fair Game on a Pedestrian Lane

(February 5, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines) Motorists will still beat you to it even when you are already crossing the pedestrian lane. Cross the street at your own risk. If you are run over while crossing the pedestrian lane, it means you can win your case in court...if you are still alive.

Chronicles Christmas Lanterns
(December 2024) The labor-intensive process of creating Asin Tibuok

Food Odyssey
carrot rosti
The carrot pulp is mixed in with grated potato to make a hybrid carrot/potato Rosti
...more Food Odyssey from December

Scouting Iloilo City for Relocation Traveling

Scouting Iloilo City for Relocation

(Feb 4-15, 2025) After meditating on which place I should relocate to, Iloilo came out twice - from Mark and the other from Madhu, someone I didn't know who Friend-requested me. This was the sign I was looking for. Instead of heading to Southern Leyte as planned, I changed my itinerary for Iloilo and even wrote to some international schools there requesting for an exploratory meeting and wrote to some yoga studios requesting to teach a class...more »»

4 Days in Cebu enroute to Iloilo Traveling

4 Days in Cebu enroute to Iloilo

(Jan 30 - Feb 3, 2025) My main destination was Iloilo, but I had to pass through Cebu. Why not spend a few days there? I love Cebu. Who knows? Maybe something interesting happens....more »»

Dalareich Chocolate for Pasalubong Food Odyssey

Dalareich Chocolate for Pasalubong

(January 27, 2025) It has been 8 months since I last stopped by Dalareich Chocolates - not often enough as I would like to. With my trip to Iloilo being hosted by 2 good Samaritans, I thought a Dalareich Chocolate would be fitting pasalubong (arrival gift)....more »»

Victor's 60th Birthday Chilling Out

Victor's 60th Birthday

(January 25, 2025) Events by Vic is a promise of good food - he's in the resto business. That's what I came away with after his mother's birthday. I made sure to make the most of it by coming hungry....more »»

Google Willow Chip: Quantum Computer Unleashed Technology Quantum Mechanics

Google Willow Chip: Quantum Computer Unleashed

(January 15, 2025) There has been a long-lingering talk about quantum computing and how it will change It was promising, but it was still plagued by problems. Almost without a public warm-up, Google unleashed its quantum computer using the Willow chip. It might as well be the launching of a thermonuclear bomb - indeed, the world would never be the same....more »»

Kaya Kalpa (Rejuvenation Practice) Yoga

Kaya Kalpa (Rejuvenation Practice)

(January 10, 2025) I was listening to a podcast guesting Dr. Chiti Parikh who mentioned stumbling upon a book about a 185 year old saddhu who reversed his aging through a practice called Kaya Kalpa. It got my attention....more »»

To-Do List for 2025 Lucid Thoughts

To-Do List for 2025

(January 1, 2025) I just reflected on what the past year was, and before I get lost in the nuts-and-bolts of 2025, I'd like to focus on what I'd like to accomplish this year. I'm on Day One, Jan 1, 2025....more »»

2024: A Year in Review Lucid Thoughts

2024: A Year in Review

(Dec 31, 2024) 2024 started out with me wanting to leave Siquijor for interaction and stimulation in a small city (Cebu? Dumaguete? Bacolod? Iloilo?) - one year in an isolated island living a monk's life was enough.....more »»

Kundalini Awakening Through Chakra Meditation Yoga

Kundalini Awakening Through Chakra Meditation

(December 24, 2024) While reading up on Kundalini Yoga, I came upon a section talking about awakening Kundalini through chakra meditation. I've come across this before, not in detail, and I didn't bother much about it. This time, I paid attention and time. I went back to my writing about the chakras and siddhi activation and applied the meditation techniques. I embarked on an ambitious 1-hour meditation a day. Guess what happened?...more »»

AI Conversation: Sentience Lucid Thoughts Technology

AI Conversation: Sentience

(December 10, 2024) I interact with AI almost daily, often asking questions to widen my knowledge base. But on this occasion, we had a meaningful conversation....more »»

Starting all over with String Theory Quantum Mechanics

Starting all over with String Theory

(November 30, 2024) My jaw just dropped when I saw a podcast with Leonard Susskind saying, 'I can tell you with absolute certainty that String Theory is not the real world that we live in, so we need to start over.'. Whoa! This is a bombshell. For decades, I have been enamored by the predictions of String Theory. I've romanticized it in my head a zillion times. 54 years of promising research down the drain? Now, we have to start all over again? What the F#%K!...more »»

Philosopher King Learning

Philosopher King

(November 18, 2024) Ever since I saw the movie Captain Fantastic where the archetype 'philosopher king' was idealized in a dysfunctional political system, I couldn't get the thought out of mind especially in this day and age where politics have become synonymous with power, wealth and control. Who do we have now who can be 'philosopher king'? And who have been philosopher kings in humankind's history?...more »»

Quantum Field Theory Quantum Mechanics Learning

Quantum Field Theory

(November 13, 2024) As I was watching a podcast between Sir Roger Penrose and Federico Faggin about Quantum Physics and consciousness, a few words were bounced around - quantum field, wave function collapse, Special Relativity and quantum gravity. I have a vague sense of what they are, but to pin them down? I had to ask AI and embark on a new learning curve about the quantum realm....more »»

Generations: Baby Boomers to Gen Alpha Peoplescape Learning

Generations: Baby Boomers to Gen Alpha

(November 4, 2024) I'm a Baby Boomer. With so many generational names being thrown around describing how they function and shape society, I needed a clearer map of this Peoplescape. I asked AI and referred to other podcasts....more »»


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