Feb 3 - Aug 3, 2008 (6 months!!!)
Bruce Lee Lats Showdown Registration
To Get In
First 5 to give me ALL of the following are in:
- short bio introducing yourself - include city and country. Who you are, why you're joining, objective, fitness background, bla-bla.
- a profile picture (no need yet for lats pictures)
- email me your bio and profile pix: webmaster@thelonerider.com
- CAN$50 admission fee. Why? because it's a lot of work and people who pay for something take it more seriously. When I receive your bio and profile pix, I'll email you on how to remit payment (depends on where you are).
Once you make it, the following showdown rules apply:
- dates/days are Philippine time based on this site: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=145
- weekly pictures should be in by Sunday midnight, however, a grace period of 2 days is given. Very...very last submission is Tuesday midnight...NO EXCEPTION (Wednesday 12:01 am is late and won't be posted.)
- max of 2 late submissions allowed. 3rd late submission is a disqualification. Sorry, but you're out of the game.
- pictures submitted should not be less than 450 pixels in height (that's because I use that dimension for the blow-up shot).
- lats pictures should be flexed under (ideally) the same lighting conditions
Prize When you finish this showdown, look into the mirror. That's your prize!
Poll Voting Just to add more fun to it, 2 polls will be done - one is for the most-V and the other, the most-improved. Voting will be open on showdown date.
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