web designer, search engine optimization (seo) consultant, Philippines
Testimonial: Anglo Sterling Ltd.
From: Lord Graeme Shepherd
Sent: Apr 2, 2013
To: Ceasar Sulit - Web Designer
Subject: My Site
Good morning Gigit, l am happy that l managed to get over my old prejudices [re working online!!] and decided to work with you on this new site.......................who says you cannot teach an old dog new tricks!! Seriously, Gigit l am thrilled with the site and the fact it is up and running. Thank you, Graeme
Lord Graeme Shepherd
Executive Chairman
Anglo Sterling Ltd.
From: Patrick Shepherd
Sent: Apr 2, 2013
To: Lord Graeme Shepherd
cc: Ceasar Sulit - Web Designer
Subject: New Website
Very nice indeed!
Patrick Shepherd
Operations Director
Anglo Sterling Ltd.
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