a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2023 archive



  1. 2023: A Year in Review Dec 31, 2023
  2. December Chronicles: Yuletide Season December 30, 2023
  3. December Snapshots: Bolo Bolo Dip, Christmas Lunch, Tuba Denizens, Friends Forever, Men Working, Cow / Crow December 1-30, 2023
  4. My December Yoga Practice: A Journal December 31, 2023
  5. Eggplant Bulad Pizza December 20, 2023
  6. Spy Game (2001) December 18, 2023
  7. Great Time to be Alive December 17, 2023
  8. Yoga Upanishad December 12, 2023
  9. Trataka Sungazing December 11, 2023

  11. Nov Chronicles: Daily Learning, Consciousness, Social Commerce, Yoga Rut, Content Creation November 30, 2023
  12. Nov Snapshots: Bread Improver, Shoe Repair, Unsung Hero November 1-30, 2023
  13. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin November 30, 2023
  14. The Revolution (The Founding of America) November 30, 2023
  15. Henry Kissinger: War Criminal November 29, 2023
  16. Canghaling Cave November 14, 2023
  17. Kings and Queens November 13, 2023
  18. Banksy November 9, 2023
  19. Joe Rogan November 7, 2023

  21. Oct Snapshots: Garbage, Fresh Fish, Road Kill, Screen October 1-31, 2023
  22. My October Yoga Practice: a Journal October 1-31, 2023
  23. Learning Cebuano: Oct October 1-31, 2023
  24. Oct Food Hack: Pizza, Kinilaw, Coconut Bread, Fish Okuy, Carrot Omelette,Lemon-Grass Tea October 2023
  25. Ginamos Pizza October 27, 2023
  26. Pizza/Bread Dough from Scratch October 27, 2023
  27. Longevity and Aging Well October 24, 2023
  28. Barangay Vote-Buying October 22, 2023
  29. $10 Yoga Pay-Video October 13, 2023
  30. Real Estate Mapping October 1, 2023

  32. Sep Chronicles: Google Bard, Wok, Basket, Drunk September 30, 2023
  33. Sep Snapshots: Fisherman, Granny, Pedicure, Big Fish, Garbage September 1-30, 2023
  34. My September Yoga Practice: a Journal September 1-30, 2023
  35. Sep Food Hack: Fish Tinola, Ratatouille, Chayote Omelette, Flat Bread September 2023
  36. Pancit Canton Sep 27, 2023
  37. Isometrics Yoga Sep 23, 2023
  38. Together Forever Sep 11, 2023
  39. The Cigarette Talk Sep 1, 2023
  40. AUGUST

  41. Aug Chronicles: CDO produce August 31, 2023
  42. Aug Snapshots: Pan de Sal, Palpitate, Taho, Tuna, Pineapple August 1-31, 2023
  43. My August Yoga Practice: a Journal August 1-30, 2023
  44. Siquijor Star Meditation Center Aug 31, 2023
  45. The Lost Dogs of Siquijor Aug 27, 2023
  46. Moving to a Bungalow! Aug 22, 2023
  47. Off to Davao (Siquijor Break) Aug 12-19, 2023
  48. Cagayan de Oro: Passing Through Aug 13/20, 2023
  49. Iligan City: Passing Through Aug 12/19, 2023
  50. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Aug 8-???, 2023
  51. Kriya: Wim Hof-Maha Vedha Aug 6, 2023
  52. Yoga Yajnavalkya Aug 1 - Sep 18, 2023
  53. JULY

  54. July Chronicles July 31, 2023
  55. July Snapshots July 1-31, 2023
  56. My July Yoga Practice: a Journal July 1-30, 2023
  57. Learning Cebuano: July July 1-31, 2023
  58. 'Forever Young' Yoga Sequence Jul 26, 2023
  59. Shopping in Dumaguete July 21-23, 2023
  60. The Universe as my Guru July 18, 2023
  61. Autobiography of a Yogi July 12-29, 2023
  62. Living a Simple Life by Design July 10, 2023
  63. Feeling Left Behind July 9, 2023
  64. Kriya: Kapalbhati Mandukasana Mudra Jul 1, 2023
  65. JUNE

  66. June Chronicles June 31, 2023
  67. June Snapshots June 1-31, 2023
  68. My Jun Yoga Practice: a Journal Jun 1-30, 2023
  69. Learning Cebuano: June June 1-31, 2023
  70. Sri M - Indian Guru June 25, 2023
  71. Trataka Mirage June 14, 2023
  72. MAY

  73. May Chronicles May 31, 2023
  74. May Snapshots May 1-31, 2023
  75. My May Yoga Practice: a Journal May 1-31, 2023
  76. Learning Cebuano May 1-31, 2023
  77. Meditating while in Conversation May 29, 2023
  78. In Search of a Cool Climate May 25, 2023
  79. A.I. Language Models: GPT4, Bard and Bing May 24, 2023
  80. Aging: Vultures Gathering May 17, 2023
  81. The 64 km Bike Ride May 16, 2023
  82. Lazi Fiesta May 15, 2023
  83. Third Eye Opening? May 14, 2023
  84. Emergency Parenting May 13, 2023
  85. The Boulevard Opening May 5, 2023
  86. APRIL

  87. April Snapshots April 1-30, 2023
  88. My April Yoga Practice: a Journal Apr 1-30, 2023
  89. Learning Cebuano...Again! April 1-30, 2023
  90. The Gateway Process: OBE DIY April 27 - May 2, 2023
  91. Hemi-Sync by Robert Monroe April 21, 2023
  92. Kris Visits Siquijor Mar 17 - Apr 15, 2023
  93. Exploring Siquijor with Marky Mar 25 - Apr 11, 2023
  94. Siquijor Healing Festival April 5-8, 2023
  95. The Talk at United Church of Christ April 2, 2023
  96. MARCH

  97. Mar Snapshots Mar 1-31, 2023
  98. My Mar Yoga Practice: a Journal Mar 1-31, 2023
  99. Vigil for the Ghost Ship of Siquijor March 31, 2023
  100. Judging an Essay on Gender Equality Mar 29, 2023
  101. The Thief, the Shaman, the Elves and the Police Mar 20, 2023
  102. Finally Acquiring the Motorbike Mar 18, 2023
  103. Bitcoin Blunder Mar 15, 2023
  104. Maria's Unsung Beaches Mar 11, 2023
  105. Lagaan Falls Mar 9, 2023
  106. Tibhong Spring Water Source Mar 8, 2023
  107. Consciousness Creates Reality? Mar 6, 2023
  108. Bolo-Bolo Natural Spring Mar 2, 2023
  109. Reasons to Get a Wife March 1, 2023

  111. Feb Snapshots Feb 28, 2023
  112. My Feb Yoga Practice: a Journal Feb 21-28, 2023
  113. Camagung-Ong Natural Spring Feb 28, 2023
  114. Heeeere's Johnnie! Feb 26, 2023
  115. Manifesting a Motorbike from Thin Air? Feb 18, 2023
  116. The 'Bad Guy' of Siquijor Feb 15, 2023
  117. Amazement from Drivers License Renewal in Siquijor Feb 15, 2023
  118. Awakening the Kundalini Shakti Feb 12, 2023
  119. Locong Falls Feb 9, 2023
  120. Valencia Day Trip Feb 5, 2023
  121. Overnight in Dumaguete Feb 5-6, 2023
  122. Inguinal Hernia? Goodbye ABS! Feb 4, 2023
  123. JANUARY

  124. Jan Snapshots January 31, 2023
  125. In Search of Tubod Cold Spring Jan 27, 2023
  126. 1:4:2:3 Nadi Shodana Jan 26, 2023
  127. Lazi's Boulevard Jan 22, 2023
  128. Lazi: A Monthly Stay Jan 21, 2023
  129. 7 Days in Maria, Siquijor Jan 14-21, 2023
  130. Capilay Spring Jan 17, 2023
  131. Siquijor: In Search of Resonance Jan 9-14, 2023

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