a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

What's New?
Yoga Kids, May 27 - June 21, 2024

Join me in Tagbilaran, Bohol for the Summer of Growth where kids spend their summer break learning arts and crafts, yoga and meditation, and intellectual play.

Summer of Growth

Venue: Yoga Kids SmartMod Balays, Capital, Hangos Street, Tagbilaran, 6300 Bohol

Yoga for Grown-ups, May 27 - June 21, 2024

Join me in Tagbilaran, Bohol for the Summer of Growth where parents of "Yoga Kids" or working adults take on a journey of Transformation through the proven benefits of Yoga.

Summer of Growth

Venue: Yoga for Grown-ups SmartMod Balays, Capital, Hangos Street, Tagbilaran, 6300 Bohol
Register: Click Here

Goodbye Dumaguete Traveling Lucid Thoughts

Goodbye Dumaguete

(April 25, 2012) After 2 years of bliss and challenge in Dumaguete, the place I fondly call a slice of paradise on God's green earth, the time has come for me to pack up again and move on in search of resonance...more »»

(Apr 23, 2012) A beauty queen, in a self-deprecating remark at KRI Restaurant in Dumaguete:
Beauty Queen: "I'm not really that smart"
TheLoneRider: (gullible and tactless) "Oh? ...good thing you have good looks."

U.P. Yearbook Picture snapshot
U.P. Yearbook Picture
(Apr 16, 2012) clutter-clearing my stuff, I found this vintage picture circa 1980. Except for the hair, nothing much seems to have changed - the hedonism was already there...more »»

Riding Around Siquijor's 86km Coastal Road Mountain Biking

Riding Around Siquijor's 86km Coastal Road

(Apr 3, 2012) A year ago, UP Mountaineers member Kram Bacharo has embarked on a Holy Week fundraising pilgrimage on a bicycle that took him around the Visayan Islands. He called his cause, Biking with Benefits. It has become an annual event with this year's route covering 750 kms in 8 days traversing Negros Occidental, Negros Oriental, Siquijor, Bohol and Cebu. I joined him and Mar for the Siquijor leg..more »»

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