Crypto-Blockchain-Web 3.0 Dictionary

NOTE: This is a work-in-progress as I add new words I don't understand. I don't only add definitions but bundle them together to see how they work together as a system. Building this has been a 'rush' as I stumble upon functional-knowledge upon functional-knowledge that serve as building blocks in using this exciting and emergent technology. -- TheLoneRider

  1. Blockchain - a decentralized database operating on a P2P (Peer to Peer) network that records all transactions that have ever taken place in that database. Crypto currencies popularized the blockchain technology, but the potential of a blockchain's function has far reaching applications that opens new doors like Web 3.0
  2. Consensus - when the full nodes agree that the transaction is valid, then there is a consensus. Consensus is essentially an algorithm that can take the form of PoW, PoS or PoT
  3. Forks - like apps and software that need to be updated, decentralized blockchains also need updating to fix bugs, fortify security and add new features. These changes are implemented through forks - thus forks are an inevitable part of the blockchain landscape. There are 2 types of forks:

    1. Hard fork - hard forks happen when 51% of the full nodes decide to change the rules and create another blockchain with its new set of rules. The blockchain splits permanently into 2 separate and independent blockchains, each having nothing to do with the other. Nodes are split as well into those with the old rules and those with the new rules. There is a mandatory rule for users to update their nodes accordingly. Typically, hard forks loosen up rigidity in the old rules. Hard forks can either be planned or contentious:

      1. Planned hard fork - this is announced beforehand with a high degree of consensus within the community and does not result in a permanent split of the blockchain. The entire community migrates to the new protocol and leaves behind the old one. A good example of a planned hard fork is Monero's RingCT fork (Ring Confidential Transactions)
      2. Contentious hard fork - when there is no consensus and a deepening rift creates chasm between miners, users and team developers, then the blockchain is split into 2 separate blockchains. A classic example of a contentious hard fork is the Bitcoin hard fork that resulted in 2 separate blockchains, the Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Core.
    2. Soft fork - there's no mandatory rule for users to update their nodes to the new rules. The new rules create a separate path on its own without severing its ties with the previous network. Users on the old system can still traverse between the 2 worlds. Typically, soft forks tighten up slack in the old rules.

      A popular example of a soft fork is the Segregated Witness (SegWit) update to the Bitcoin network on August 23, 2017.
  4. Hashing - it is an encrypted output of fixed length generated by a mathematical function (hashing algorithm, e.g. SHA-256 for Bitcoin), from input string of any length. This is used to enhance security (prevents double spending in crypto, protects passwords, etc.) Hashing has a few properties:

    1. Deterministic - the same input will always produce the same hash (the output)
    2. Quick Computation - getting the hash from the input text should be quick
    3. Pre-Image Resistance - it is nearly impossible to determine what the input characters are from the hash. It cannot be reverse-engineered
    4. Small Changes In The Input Changes the Hash - even just a change to upper case from lower case in one character will radically change the output (hash)
    5. Collision Resistant - 2 different inputs will hardly ever produce the same output (the hash)
    6. Puzzle Friendly - I'll be honest, I've read the explanation a few times already and I still don't know what they're talking about. I'll update this when I finally get it
  5. IPFS (Interplanetary File System) - IPFS is a decentralized peer-to-peer (not server-to-client) file sharing system where information between different network protocols (HTTP is one type of network protocol or internet protocol suite) is shared. Data/content is not centrally located on one server, but spread out across the many computers (nodes) within the network (could be a blockchain network). When you request for content (through a hash), the content is searched from the nearest nodes containing that content - this is more efficient.

    IPFS vs HTTP

    peer-to-peer server-to-client
    content-based file sharing from the nearest node in the network. Where is the nearest location for this content? location-based file transfer which could be half-way around the world. What content is in this location?
    decentralized through inter-connected computers on the network centralized from a server
    not good for transferring big files, not good when there is massive requests at the same time for the webpage
    open-source, Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), BitSwap protocol (Block Exchange marketplace), Merkle DAG, Self-certifying File System, Version Control Systems

  6. Mesh networks - in Qortal's blockchain, ISPs are replaced by mesh networks and satellite bridging. As local mesh networks grow, they depend less on their actual ISP, eventually utilizing satellites to bridge gaps between geographical locations until no gaps exist (no dead spots) and complete sovereignty is achieved.

    Mesh network is a new form of wireless internet (like a router) designed to blanket an area with wifi coverage through its connection to the modem. It is mostly used in homes so that every room can receive coverage. The network is self-adjusting, allocating load and re-routing signals from congested areas or slow arteries.

    In the Qortal ecosystem, this mesh network are the individual nodes that communicate with each other (aka points, mesh extenders, or satellites) that work together as one large wifi system.
  7. Node - linked computers comprising the network on the blockchain. This is the feature of a blockchain that makes it decentralized through P2P (Peer to Peer) network (and NOT through a centralized authority or centralized server). Nodes do 2 functions: 1) enforce the rules through consensus and 2) validate transactions (blocks). Nodes branch out into different types:

    1. Full node - a copy of the entire blockchain is running on their computer - the entire history and all blocks created. This means that the more full nodes in the blockchain, the more copy of the blockchain (the ledger) is being created and referenced, thus enhancing the security of the blockchain. On proposed changes to the network, only the full nodes have voting privilege. When 51% of the full nodes vote in agreement, and the 49% disagree, then a hard fork is created and the blockchain is divided into 2 independent and separate blockchains - the classic case of this occurence was to Bitcoin when it had a hard fork creating the Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Cash blockchains.

      1. pruned full node - keeping the latest transaction on the blockchain but only for a specific volume of memory alloted to the computer (e.g. 1 Gig). But the entire blockchain has to be loaded first before the pruning to the latest 1 Gig of transactions
      2. archival full node - having the entire copy of the blockchain. This requires a massive amount of memory space on your computer.

        1. Proof of Work (PoW, Miners, Mining node) - full or light node consensus based on solving a cryptographic problem to create a new block, which is then validated by the full nodes in the network. Once validated, the miner is given a set number of coins as reward. PoW prevents double selling but uses a lot of power and computing resources - environmentally detrimental. Bitcoin still uses this type of consensus
        2. Proof of Stake (PoS) - a type of consensus where nodes stake their coins in creating and validating blocks. The reward they get for staking is by chance, like winning a lottery. If there is dishonesty, they stand to lose their coins. More coins, longer tenure are given more weight. This process avoids heavy use of electrical power and computing power
        3. Proof of Time (PoT) - because players who have more money can have a 51% influence on the blockchain to change its rules (and thereby corrupt the system), the PoT gives weight to nodes who actually spend time on the network contributing to its development. Earning a reward coin is from 'minting' and not mining. Unlike mining where only 1 reward coin is given to 1 miner who signed-off a block, essentially winning over all the other miners, all minting nodes get a proportionate coin reward on the block instilling cooperation amongst them instead of competition
        4. Authority nodes (Delegated Proof of Stake, Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance) - the community or the development team appoints a given set of authority nodes to centrally manage the network on archival full nodes - everyone else runs on light node. This is done to speed up transactions, but defeats the purpose of a decentralized system
        5. Master nodes - they are the record keepers - they write the transactions and validate blocks but they cannot add blocks. To be a Master node, you have to submit coins as collateral, run a VPS (virtual private server), and be online 24/7. It's a good way to earn passive income
    2. Light node - connected computer on the blockchain network but not carrying the blockchain. This light node computer is connected to a full node in order to get the latest version of the blockchain and able to participate in transactions
    3. Lightning node - this node bridges buyers (who are not on the blockchain) and sellers (who are on the blockchain). Buyers and sellers create their own buy-sell accounting outside the blockchain. This process makes sense because it doesn't disrupt the blockchain over small transactions. Lightning makes for cheap transaction costs and speedy transaction times, which makes this format an ideal replacement for money - easy on the seller and easy on the buyers. Periodically, the seller and/or buyer can take whatever balance they have, into the blockchain (so it's only one major transaction on the blockchain instead of hundreds of small ones). The Muun operates on the Lightning network.
  8. Satellite bridging - in Qortal's blockchain, ISPs are replaced by mesh networks that are bridged together by satellites to cover a larger wifi hot-spot - wirelessly without need for cell towers, fibers or phone cables! All it takes is dish, a transceiver, and a modem. The goal is to bridge gaps between geographical locations until no gaps exist (no dead spots) and complete sovereignty is achieved.