Quotes (catchy lines)
  1. Nothing kills humor like a boring truth (Scott Adam of Dilbert in how masterfully Jobs deflected the defects of iPhone 4 by saying all smartphones have that problem)
  2. The last time a tablet cause so much commotion, it had commandments writtin on it. (The Wall Street Journal describing the iPad launch)
  3. We screwed it 5 ways to Sunday (lifting it from the Elon Musk book, it means screwing it in every possible way)
  4. He was looking exactly like your newly divorced uncle on his first date. (describing Amelio's attire at the MacWorld convention)
  5. He was too busy to flush the toilet (Mona describing her Dad in the book, A Regular Guy)
  6. It blends sci-fi shimmer and the kitsch whimsy of a cocktail umbrella (describing the iMac)
  7. He threw himself into his work with a quiet diligence, silent stares and long uncomfortable pauses (describing Tim Cook)
  8. The incestuous living arrangement by its hippie residents was worthy of a French farce (in Jobs' 4-bedroom Rancho Suburban house)
  9. Even the most jaded psychiatrist would do a double take on it (Jobs naming the next computer, Lisa - the name of his child whose paternity he denied)