How did Apple find FingerWorks?

FingerWorks was working on a new technology - touch screen. Apple badly needed this new technology for its iPhone. But FingerWorks must be one in a thousand startups working obscurely in their skunkworks. How did Apple find this company? I asked ChatGPT. It didn't know exactly, but it listed a few ways Apple could have done it:

  1. Tech Trade Shows, Conventions, Workshops, Conferences - Apple executives and employees regularly attend these events. Small startups also participate in these events. Through networking, they can stumble upon each other
  2. Patents - Apple representatives regularly check patent registrations. FingerWorks already patented their technology so it was an identifiable marker
  3. Venture capitalists - Apple has an extensive network with venture capitalists, some of whom could have funded FingerWorks
  4. Word of mouth - tech insiders (investors, tech companies, industry analysts) talk about what's new in the field. It's their version of gossip